Wednesday, April 6, 2011


NO, NO WAIT, DON'T GO AWAY,  this is still the same ol' BEYOND THE PORTICO...but since SPRING has finally arrived...I have decided to do a little know a little LIGHTENING up and have given my blog a little facelift...'s waaaay easier to give my blog a facelift for spring than it is the know what I mean...painting every room a fresh spring color would take weeks (or more like months for me) no new spring color at home...but a NEW LOOK for my blog...I have a few more changes to make...but I really like the lighter, fresher look...hope you do too...

Ta Ta for now...

1 comment:

  1. I love this attitude. Quick and sure. Thanks for visiting and the advise.
    I am going to try that. Hugs


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