Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I had so much FUN putting together my FIRST ever tablescape last week....the little blue and white one HERE...that I just couldn't resist playing in the dishes again this week...

...this week's little tablescape features touches of PLUM and SAGE green...I call this GORGEOUS table...VINEYARD ROMANCE...

...I loved it soooooo much...wrinkles and all...that I snapped a bazillion shots of it and YOU are going to get to see most of them....LUCKY YOU!...

...LAYERING, LAYERING, LAYERING...it's sooooo important for romance, don't you think?....(would you listen to me..I sound as if I know what I'm doing here and this is only my second tablescape, lol)...Anyway, I just love this look...I started with a wrinkle textured white organza tablecloth...then added a swatch of a soft sage green BROCADE fabric to the center as a runner...I topped that with a vintage FRINGED white linen table scarf...

...a little glimpse of the hubster at the door...

....for the centerpiece I used my new LANTERN I got from Hob Lob for $9.00 a few weeks ago...a bargain at 80% off...added some vineyard inspired GREENERY I already had, and my favorite little BIRD statues (see them HERE too)...I just love this centerpiece...I think it's why I named this table VINEYARD ROMANCE...It's just so vineyardy romantic...

...the sun streaming through the window just made everything that much more romantic...for balance I placed a sweet little rose vinyette on either side of the centerpiece...

...I found these adorable footed crystal plates and the pewter candle plates at a thrift shop a few months back and thought they made a beautiful little addition to this table...I was fresh out of wine (don't drink), grapes and cheese, but wouldn't that have been divine?...

...now onto the most important part of setting the table...THE DISHES...

...I used my Royal Duchess, Bavarian china (won at auction many years ago...I think for $3.00...4 place settings)...

...the flower is GERMAN MOUNTAIN BELL...it's so delicate and beautiful...I love the sparkle of the SILVER rim...and the little touch of GREEN in the leaves goes PERFECT with this table...I've used the dinner plates, tea cups and saucers...wouldn't this table be just perfect for BRUNCH or high TEA with the girls?...

...this table even makes my everyday flatware look good...I've used the same soft sage green brocade fabric for napkins...simply folded in thirds...GORGEOUS...

...as day gave way to evening and night settled in...I just couldn't resist but take a few more shots of this beautiful table...

...a touch of candlelight...

...a golden glow...

 ...well...there you have it....my VINEYARD ROMANCE tablescape...I had so much fun putting this table together...too bad about the wine, grapes and cheese...but...I still loved it...In fact, I loved it sooooo much that I changed some things up, and used the fabrics and centerpiece as a vingette someplace else in the house...perhaps a post on that later...

...Thank you so much for stopping by ...I hope you have enjoyed your little visit here today...and please...don't be shy, feel free to comment...I love hearing from YOU!

I am linking up to these FABULOUS parties this week...won't you JOIN me...

Tablescape Thursday @ Between Naps On The Porch 
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Whassup Wednesday @ Elements Interiors
Show And Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home 


  1. Hi Sheila...

    Ohhh my...your vineyard tablescape is just beautiful and truly romantic, my friend! The china is gorgeous and yes...it would be lovely for a high tea! Set the date...I am there, my friend! My favorite part of your table is that gorgeous centerpiece...I just love how you did that! The tall candle lantern is beautiful and I love how you used the trailing grape vines and grapes!!! Of course the bird finials are like the icing on the cake for me! Truly a fabulous table! Thank you for sharing it with us today!

    Warmest spring wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  2. Gorgeous tablescape the name suits it to a tee!
    Popping over from WUW to say hi :)

  3. Thank you for your visit and for your more than kind comment! I am a florist, but work from my home, I so enjoy it and am forever changing things. Your tablescape is beautiful, I thought you said you was sooooo bad.lol Not hardly, I love it.
    Have a blessed day

  4. Your table is beautiful, Sheila! I love the china!

  5. Your tablescape is so lovely!
    Great work! Love the lantern spilling with foliage.
    Glad I found you today.

    Your newest follower,

  6. Fabulous! Love the vineyard theme, very inviting.

  7. Sheila,

    Gorgeous tablescape! I love the sage and plum color scheme and your gorgeous centerpiece.

  8. Hi Sheila! Thank you for sharing your beautiful tablescape at my party! Love the china and the wonderful lantern.


I LOVE hearing from you...please leave me a comment!