Monday, May 9, 2011


Remember that OLD song?  Used to be one of my favs, oh say, when I was 10...I have more of a sophistocated taste in music these days...but I was reminded of that ol' song today....

...There is a little park close to work where I often eat lunch.  Hoppe Spring Park.  I love it there.  It is a little slice of HEAVEN on earth.  A sweet and PEACEFUL place to have lunch...

...TRICKLING from the mouth of a cave, is a natural SPRING which flows into a little duck pond...from there it flows out to the creek which runs through town on down to the river.  Missouri is chock full of rivers and natural waterways, oh and caves...It truly is a BEAUTIFUL place to live.  I can't say I have always loved Missouri...since being raised in Illinois, I thought the fresh smell and beauty of corn fields were the cat's meow...but I have grown to appreciate the simple GRANDEUR of Missouri's many natural wonders...

...As I parked in my usual spot to eat lunch, I was greeted with an ohhh so cute and pleasant surprise...

...a pretty little momma and her beautiful little baby ducklings...I LOVE...LITTLE BABY DUCKS...don't you?

....awwww, aren't they just TOO CUTE!!!!  Have a wonderful day!


  1. What sweet pictures of ducks! They are so fun to watch.

    Thank you for the tip on helping my euro shams look better! I am going to try it !

    bee blessed


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