Friday, May 13, 2011


Though I have very few things in the way of FRENCH style furnishings or decor and my house is not necessarily a beautiful french CHATEAU...I would love to have a house full of all things french...who wouldn't, right?...I truly love the french country style trending right now...but I prefer French Provincial or baroque know, something with a more formal frenchy flair, so to speak

...Over the past few months, I have been toying with the idea of doing a little of this french provincial style decorating in my dining room and living room areas...the key phrase here is..."toying with the idea" I know the hubster is not going to willingly agree to fund this little decorating adventure of mine...(I wonder if shedding a few tears, or if giving him a few backrubs and foot massages will work, hmmm....after looking at these gorgeous inspiration photos I found....I just might have to consider those forms of persuasion , lol)...

...let's start in the dining room, shall we...

...yes, these lean more toward the country french side, and I just love the curves and "blueness" of it all...

but, I'm leaning more towards this...

ohhhh so formal...I love the tray ceiling which is in a lovely shade of gold and the beautiful gold damask chairs, gorgeous...but I'd even settle for this (which I believe is a little more on the greek/roman side...maybe even eqyptian inspired design, nevertheless, very beautiful)...

Found at Decork: Modern Furniture and Decoration blog
in case you want to take a look

...I found a few bed and bath items that are just to die for...
Is this bed awesome or what...(kind of frenchy goes hollywood glam)...I could just see beautiful fringed, velvety linens and pillows everywhere...perhaps in colors that would coordinate with this litttle beauty...I so want this little chest...

I love this writing desk...I know you will too and I expect that one of you fabulous furniture restorers out going to have to do something like this...Tre' chic!

...okay, for the bath...could you imagine brushing your teeth here...

I just love the "crown" mirrors...and actually, I'm a lucky girl because I already have a mirror similar to these in my dining onto the living room...'s this for french relaxing and beautiful...and now for the piece de resistance...drum roll please...

...not really my colors, but I so WANT this sofa/daybed....oh so frenchy!!!

Have a fabulous and inspiring weekend...AU REVOIR!

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