Wednesday, June 29, 2011


We recently started remodeling our main floor bath...or should I say, I started remodeling the bathroom....hubby hasn't done anything...YET... however, he will be helping with the removing of the toilet, and sink soon...much to my dismay, I thought we would be keeping the green ceramic tile wall...but much to my SURPRISE the hubster said it could go...YES!!! can have a peek at that little GREEN bath and the start of that remodeling project HERE...

...I must say, I have been at a loss as to which direction I want to go with this little bath...oh yes, I KNOW one should NOT start a project of this magnitude without knowing all the details first....what colors...what type of flooring, tile, of these days I will learn to put together an idea notebook first...ONE OF THESE DAYS...

....but for now I will RELY on some inspiration photos as my idea notebook...I love this bath from a recent post on Decor to Adore...

..did I say I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this bath and it would be soooo doable IF....I could FIND this wallpaper....I've searched high and low on the internet and local stores for a wallpaper like this, but it's just not out there...ANYWHERE...I've thought of doing a paint technique to mimic this...but I'm not quite sure my painting skills are up to that kind of challenge....we have a sink just like this but a tad smaller in the upstairs bath that we could switch out....and Lowe's has that mirror for just $59.99...but without THAT wallpaper it's just not going to back to the drawing board... about this?...I love the blue and green together...I love the subway tile...what's not to love, this is a BEAUTIFUL bath...but I don't know about all that tile work...after ripping out that tile floor I don't even want to THINK about tile...

...then, I thought about the fact that my house is done in warmer colors and a cooler blue or green bath may not flow too I checked out something with warmer color tones...

...I like the beadboard in this bath but...this just doesn't speak to me...know what I mean...back to the drawing board again...

...I like this one...but again more tile...maybe I will try something with a little know, get a little black and white action going on...

...nah...a little too jazzy for me...though I do like the harlequin up...

...oh yes, I am LOVING THIS cream and black's the cats meow on style...I love the baseboards and crown molding in black...VERY DRAMATIC...and I saw that floor tile at Lowe's though it's a little pricey $5.95 sq. ft....OUCH...but, I may just have to try something like this...what do you think.?..would it go with my white cabinetry?  Perhaps you have a few ideas you can throw at me for my little bathroom...the toilet, sink and the other layer of tile flooring will be coming out sometime this I am in NEED of some ideas....hope to hear from y'all soon.  Sharing this at Wow Us Wednesday, Whassup Wednesday and Open House Thursday.  Thanks for y'all's help.....I REALLY MEAN THAT!!!

Oh....and have a wonderful 4th of July!


  1. I love the subway tile too!!

    I like the first 2, I like the colors, then you could do white towels. I'm on a white towel kick right now.

    I did the old tile looking stuff on my bathroom floor, keep looking you'll find something you like for less $$!

  2. Oh you can do the paint project! Smal tins of paint and alot of painters tape. :)

    Happy 4th!

    Thank you for the shout out.

  3. This is Sheila from Beyond the Portico replying back to Laura. Sorry I am having to comment under anonymous because blogger is not working right for me. It will not let me comment under by google identity for some reason....anyway,

    Thanks Laura for the encouragement. I really do love bath #1 and may just try that paint technique. My biggest fear is that the blues would clash with the rest of my house which is mainly creams, tans and browns (I know BORING). I don't have blue anywhere else in the house that could make a connection to this bath. I wonder how that paint technique would look in a mix of creams, tans and browns. What do you think?


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