Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hello all you blogging remodelers, decorators, thrifty engineers and altogether fantastic creative ladies (and a few men) out there....I'm sad to say our driveway resurfacing project has once again been put on hold due to all the RAIN we have had here in central Missouri lately....however, today I have a DIRTY LITTLE SECRET to share with you....actually it's a SCARY little secret...dun, dun, dun....

...our U.G.L.Y. little main floor bathroom in all it's GREEN glory....NOT!!!...the entire bathroom is mint green...with the exception of the one white window frame...oh and the toilet and sink...

...This bathroom has been on my hit list ever since we bought this little OLD house late last year...however it was set to be one of the last projects on our list for the summer...then with the putting off of the driveway....AGAIN...I determined to remodel this bathroom now...after all it is a small space and wouldn't take all that much effort to do...YEAH RIGHT!...I always get myself into these sorts of messes...how 'bout you?  Do you ever find yourself in the middle of a project and think "why in the world did I ever think I could do this?...and will I ever get done?"...Yes I said all these things to myself probably after only two hours into the project...

I started with removing the drawers and STRIPPING the cabinet doors...they HAD to be stripped first just to get them off their hinges, as the hinges had about 10 coats of paint on them and I couldn't get them loose without stripping them first....

...once the drawers were out and the doors off...I tackled the floor...(mainly because I ran out of stripper and the stores were closed)...so as I said...we moved onto the floor...

....Oh yes...I was THRILLED to find out that there was more than one layer to be removed...oh joy, oh rapture...CALGON...please take me AWAY....

It took some doing to remove the ceramic tile floor...I would hammer the tiles...then scrape up the loose ones...hammer some more....scrape a little more....

...Yes, this took a while...but alas I finally got the first layer of tile up...WHOO HOO...

...see the second layer....MORE GREEN...hey, I kind of like the retro vibe here...well, maybe NOT so much...after all that hammering and scraping I was pooped...so the second layer...yep, you got it, still there...waiting for the hubby to take out the sink, toilet (and for me to pick out new flooring) before I tackle that...

....what kind of tile or flooring do you think I should go with here?...and what color? is the biggest question...I am at a total loss...the mint green ceramic tile wall behind the sink and toilet is going to have to stay...although at some point in time I am going to try my hand at painting it...so what kind of floor and what color would GO with MINT GREEN?....Oh, boy my head hurts just thinking about it...

In the meantime...I started painting the drawers...

...right here on the dining room table...I removed the hardware...threw down a tarp...and GOT BUSY...

...OH YEAH...I am liking this WHITE sooooo much better...now onto the doors....STAY TUNED for my dirty little secret...PART 2...hopefully coming soon.

I am joining these parties...

Metamorphasis Monday @ BNOTP
Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Time to Shine Tuesday @ A diamond in the Stuff
Wow us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Chic Cottage
Remodelaholic Friday @ Remodelaholic


  1. I can't wait to see the finished bathroom. Doing a remodel is such work, but this is going to be stunning I am sure. Thanks for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. Wow! This is going to be stunning! Would love to see the finished one. Beautiful space you got here.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  3. WOW! Tons of hard work you've put into that. Can't wait to see what is in store. Nice job!!!!!
    xoxo, cami


  4. Wow, looks like you're making great progress! For the floor I think a classic white hexagon or octagon tile, maybe with the little black tile "flowers" and a black border around the room, would be nice. You never know, once everything else is freshened up maybe the mint green tile wall will end up being a decent accent.

  5. I love seeing what others do mint green, especially in a situation like yours where you just have to make the best of it. I also have a very mint green bathroom and found that red, black & silver work very well. It's kinda retro, kinda Art Nouveau, kinda Asian. You can check it out on the link below. Best of luck to you!



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