Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Happy Tuesday all.  Hope you all are having a WONDERFUL week.  This has certainly been a BETTER week for me.  We have finally managed to get our yard cleaned up after the recent storm blew down the massive red oak tree which smashed BOTH of our vehicles (wellllllll, we still have MOUNDS of firewood to get rid of) but for the most part it's done...woohoo...you can read all about our HUGE catastrophe HERE...

The adjuster has FINALLY come out to access the damage (much sooner than they had estimated)...and our claim is just about settled...boy, what a process!!!

I have AGONIZED over the loss of my van...after all it was a great van...very ROOMY and had all the FRILLS...it was long enough to haul lumber....roomy enough to lug home all those fantastic furniture finds...great for trips....all leather, heated seats, entertainment center...how do you replace something like that?  Not easily...

...I'm tellin' ya, any OTHER time I would have been all for buying a new vehicle...but when you have a good thing...it's just so hard to commit to change....anyway, after much thinking, scrutinizing and debating over this BIG decision of just what kind of car to get...I finally decided on this little beauty....

Chrysler PT Cruiser
 Yes, she's little...probably won't be hauling any wood home in her...or very many furniture finds....but my pocket book will be SINGING with all that gas money I will be SAVING....and besides she's sooooo CUTE, I just had to have her...the color...2.DIE.4...it's called "cool vanilla"  is that the name of a decorator's color or what...HA, I'M LOVIN' IT!!!!  

So as I hop into my new ride...I'm wishing you all the best for this week....take it easy...soak up some sun...grab a tall glass of ICED TEA and...chill.....

Although this doesn't fall into the category of tabletop anything..metamorphasis anything...or any other decorating topic...I am still joining a few parties to share the good news...

Tabletop Tuesday
What's up Wednesday
Show & Tell Friday

1 comment:

  1. She is very pretty indeed and so glad to hear you will be reducing your gas milage....I just peaked at the post below as well and PRAISE THE LORD...So glad it was your car and not the house.
    Stay safe and enjoy your cute and sexy new ride.

    Blessings Kelsie


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