Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I am joining Shelia @ Note Songs today for her little Chick and Rooster party...we moved into our new (OLD) house last September and sadly to say most of my ROOS are still packed up...I just simply have not found a spot for them as my kitchen is very tiny with no display area over the top of the cabs like my last house had...but don't despair I am determined I will find a place for them all...in the meantime, I did make use of the top of my refrigerator...

...of course, I had to put my Rooster print on the wall...

...my unpacked roosters will be seeing the light of day SOON....I am going to incorporate them in with my dining room decor...I have decided to go with a french country theme in there where Roos fit right in...


  1. HI Sheila! Oh, You have some lovely Roos! Wish I had space above my cabinets too! I'm sure your little yard birds will settle in all around your home!
    Thank you so much for coming to my party!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. That's quite a trio of roos. Hope to come back and see your dining room at some point.

  3. Won't it be exciting when you get to unpack your rooster collection? Your sweet birds that are now in your kitchen will be happy to see their friends. I bet your dining room will be lovely. Please post pictures when you get it done.


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