Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Recently I shared with you all the exterior of my house...

...First, let me say thanks for all the NICE comments you sent me about how CHARMING our home is...they were all inspiring and encouraging....THANKS...although it's an older home we fell in love with it at first sight...it just really spoke to us...so we bought it knowing that it was in need of MUCH tender loving care...

...as I'm sure I have probably mentioned, it's in DESPERATE need of a paint job...so we are gearing up for that job right now...we have taken down the awnings and shutters and are in the process of scraping, sanding, etc.

..I have had my mind set to give it a fresh coat of white paint...replace the light blue (falling apart) wood shutters with black ones and paint the front door red...a very classic color combo...something like this one...

...then a few nights ago my husband said...have you thought about painting the house something OTHER than white?...I was shocked...he has never asked questions like that before...what's that the hubs interested in curb appeal and color choices...huh? ...he said, I was just thinking that NOW would be the perfect opportunity to make a change, that is if you want to, because it's going to be a VERY LONG time before we do this again...well, that got me to thinking, maybe I would like something other than WHITE...so we discussed a few options...we opted out of tan mainly because our last two houses were tan and we want something DIFFERENT...

...neither of us are into yellow or blue however we did like the idea of a sage or moss green with cream or white trim...something like these examples...

...as the roof of our home has a light gray shingle and the front porch and chimney are made of stone with gray hues...we thought this color combo would look pretty good...our home also has a few architechural features which are hidden with the house being all white....the siding around the dormer room window (although you can't tell it from the poor quality pictures of my home above) is wavy while the rest of the siding is straight...also the molding around our front door is very beautiful and is topped with a pediment...architechural features which should be highlighted in someway or another...I believe going with an exterior color other than white would give us the opportunity to highlight those areas...

...we also liked the idea of a deep barn red with cream/white accents...like these...which I believe would also work with our existing roof and porch color...but may be a tad extreme for us...

...maybe we could go with gray...

...well, that's my choices...decisions, decisions, decisions...should we keep our house white or go with sage, red or gray...won't you please help me make this decision easier...my husband and I are not professional painters or color specialists...but this is a job we are going to have to tackle on our own because of a tight budget...so I could really use all the help and advice I can get...HELP!!!

I'm linking up to:

Table Top Tuesday
Open House Thursday
Show & Tell Friday


  1. I do like the pretty lines of your home. It has great cottage appeal. Probably my favorite is white with black shutters and red door. It pops against the greens of spring and summer as sage can never do. White also expands visually making anything appear larger. I also like the gray with black, white and red front door. It's going to look so great which ever you choose. I'll be back to see which you choose.

  2. I too really like the classic white...but my second choice would be the grey....have fun!

  3. Hi Sheila, The white with black shutters would be my first choice. I also like the moss green but I would look for one with a grey undertone. Best of luck,

  4. I think my favorite is the gray with black shutters, white trim and a red door. I think that is stunning and should show off your architectural details. It would also go with the roof nicely. Can't wait to see what you do. Hugs, Marty

  5. Hi,
    I have always had a white house, and my big plunge was to paint the house a cream color We used Sherwin Williams Egret White, 150% of the dye, with white shutters and white trim. I love it! I painted the door red, but would do it black if I chose today.

    My other next choice would be a LIGHT gray.

    1. what do you mean by 150% of the dye?

  6. I vote for the white, black shutters & red door- such a classic look. I liked the moss color too- I think that would be my 2nd choice. Can't wait to see what you do!

  7. Well, I live in a small cottage that is painted white. It has black shutters, and I just painted the front door red. However, you cannot see the red door from the street because we have a large, screened porch on the front of the house. The screen door is white now, but I'm thinking of painting it an accent color. Our roof is black, but someday we will replace it with a metal, charcoal colored roof. I am very happy with this combination of colors. Our house is old and it has always been white. You can never go wrong with those colors. I also like the color combo of the picture with the blue front door.

  8. You must check out the recent post by Maria of Colour Me Happy if you're considering a shade of green http://colourmehappyblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/exterior-with-shutters-before-after.html I think it's a wonderful transformation that may inspire you.

  9. I prefer the idea of using deep barn red with cream accents. There's something homey with the color red, and if it's applied in a cabin-style theme, it will look country-ish. How's your house now? Have you decided which paint color to use?

  10. This is literally the exact decision we are in. We bought a very old historical home. I just assumed we were painting it white with black shutters (classic). Then our paint guy suggested gray. We pondered and then started thinking of other colors including blue/greens and I even have that same red color house saved on my computer. I am so so so torn. Did you pick and paint it yet? I am overly curious!!

    1. Yes we painted a while back. We painted the body of the house Valspar Gray Silt. The trim is Valspar Chef White, and we chose black shutters and a black architectural shingle roof. You can see a picture of the house on my sidebar. Good luck on your paint choices.

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  14. We recently had a really bad hail storm come through my area ripped my siding off. I would like to know what color did you finally pick , because my old siding is gray and I'm thinking about changing to cypress green but I need advice what color should I paint my exterior doors , and dark green or Tan?


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