Monday, August 8, 2011


Hello all!  Sorry for my blogging absence lately...I have been way busy with SUMMERTIME activities.  We spent a week away on summer vacation...CAMPING.  Sadly I have no pictures of our trip.  Oh yes, I took my camera only to discover my rechargeable batteries were DEAD and I forgot to pack the charger.  SILLY ME!!!

This past weekend we took the kiddos to a local attraction...Meramec Springs Park in St. James,'s a trout hatchery....we had loads of fun and for once the weather wasn't SWELTERING...I was smart enough to charge my batteries for this little excursion....and to celebrate I want to share a cute little snap shot with you of our little adventure...

...isn't he the little bubs...HE'S MY SUNSHINE and the joy of my is my teenage daughter...however she was more interested in hanging out with friends back at the picnic area so I did not get any shots of her...but I was thrilled to get this shot of the bubs.  

Hope you all have a FABULOUS summer day...

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