Thursday, September 8, 2011


I must admit, though fall is my favorite time of year, I am DETERMINED that I am going to HOLD onto summer a little longer before commiting to any fall just seems as if the year has flown by and summer went WAY too quickly...besides it's not OFFICIALLY fall until September 23 so...I will NOT set out one single pumpkin, mum or any other fall decor until then...and while I am gearing up for the change of seasons I decided to take a few photos of the CURRENT decor...though some are already in the warm autumnal tones, they will be changed up soon....but NOT until after September 23...

Yes, the mantel will be changing...wouldn't a nice fall scene look just splendid here...

...I will be saying  BYE BYE birdies... these birdies too...

...the buffet will be transformed into autumn bliss

 ...but the mosaic votif cups will be staying out for the season...

joining Marty @ a Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday and No Minimalist Here for Open House Thursday...come on over and party with us...


  1. I don't blame you one little bit - I much prefer spring and summer decorating to fall decor, so I always put it off - or skip right to Christmas some years. I enjoyed my peek around your place.

  2. I also prefer spring and summer decorating over fall. Your vignettes are so pretty...I can see why you still want to leave them out.

  3. Oh, thank you! Just found your blog through Marty's Tabletop Tuesday and it's so refreshing to see someone not jumping into fall so quickly. Like you, fall is one of my favorites, but you're right, it's not really fall yet. I'll be with you on the 23rd puttin' out the pumpkins!

    I look forward to checking out more of your blog.

  4. Your decor is so lovely I think it is appropriate for any season. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  5. It's all so lovely; I'd hold onto it for a bit longer too!

    I'm your newest follower.


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