Friday, September 2, 2011


Do any of you bloggers out there remember these from the 1950's?

Well, I wasn't even a gleam in my mother's eye in the 1950's but I sure do remember drinking kool-aid from aluminum tumblers as a child (in the '70's).  I thought they were the COOLEST thing then...and I would LOVE to have a set now.  They really do keep drinks COLD!! and I just love all the rainbow of COLORS they come in...

Now I knew that they made more than just tumblers in this fabulous stuff...drink pitchers, bowls...but I WONDER...did you know they made aluminum SWIZZLE STICKS to match?...(you might call these tea spoons or drink stirrers)...

Well swizzle my stick...I had NO idea...I love vintage swizzle sticks (drink stirrers) and I am starting a COLLECTION...not just of vintage but other unique ones I come across. 

Several months ago I found a set of GLASS swizzlers topped with glass daisies...each in a different beautiful...a set of 5 for .25 at a local thrift shop....I just had to have them and that started myh collection...well you will never guess what I found yesterday at that same thrift shop...

...a set of six light green aluminum swizzle sticks...TEA LEAF mint condition...for JUST .25....I know, I know...I can't believe it myself....while I know these are not completely rare, they are going for about $10.00 or more per set I believe I got an incredible deal...BESIDES...I absolutely love them....and they are now a beautiful addition to my collection...

Perhaps you would care to join me for a sip of Iced tea, or KOOL-AID...if you prefer... and help me try out my new SWIZZLERS...

I'm joining Debra and all the lovely partiers over at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday...swizzle on over and be prepared to drool at everyone's vintage finds....I'm also joining the Thrifty Things Friday party over at The Thrifty Groove....there's lots of groovy stuff going on there come on over and have a look...

Have a fabulous day!!!


  1. I love them! I remember my grandma having these cups and the drinks were so much colder drinking from the. I love the swizzle sticks! Thank you for joining TTF and have a fun week!

  2. Hi Sheila! I just wanted to stop back by to let you know that I will be featuring this post in this week's Thrifty Things Friday party! I hope to see you there and don't forget to grab your "I was featured" button!

  3. Hi Sheila, my mom had the whole set of these, pitcher, sticks and glasses, and I remember how darn cold my hands would get, not really comfortable but really cool looking! LOL!! thanks for linking up with VIF, xo Debra


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