Thursday, November 17, 2011


Hello everyone...WOW, I am so excited to let you in on my little secret.  A month or so ago I started a new blog...FAITH IN's my new faith based blog that features devotionals, bible studies, ladies meeting ideas and Spirit inspired Sunday school lessons.

While I have been totally EXCITED to share this little bit of news with you...I have also been somewhat AFRAID.  Why, you might ask?  Well, there are some folks out there who are just not very receptive of Christianity or anything faith-based, and to publicly announce the launch of my new blog could mean that I would have fewer followers and readers here at Beyond the Portico.  I truly hope that doesn't happen.

I simply just want to share that side of my life with whoever is interested.  Like most of the readers here at Beyond the Portico, there are many areas of my life that go beyond the scope of my house and my love of decorating.  One of them, and the most important for me, is my relationship with God, and what better way to share that relationship with others than by blogging about it. 

While my views on God, his Word and Christianity may not be yours, I would love for you to stop by Faith in Action and read some of the posts.  I believe you will find some things you like and chances are there will be some things you don't like, and that's fine.  The comment line is always open and I would love to hear from you, I just ask that you be nice.  Like yours, my beliefs are not up for debate, scrutiny or argument.  They are what they are, I am just simply sharing.

As with every blog, Faith in Action is still a WORK IN PROGRESS....Some of the links on the "Ladies Meeting Ideas" page and the "Sunday School Lessons" page have not yet been activated, but they will be up and running soon.  However, there are plenty of links on both of those pages available for you to enjoy.  There are also a few devotionals and an online bible study ready that you might be interested in. 

I cordially invite you to stop by and take a might be interested in my newest post entitled...THE LOST HOLIDAY...

To visit Faith in Action, simply click the link on my sidebar or the butterfly below...Thank you and ENJOY!!!

To get the word out, I am linking this post to the following parties....Be kind, stop by and check out these beautiful blogs and some of the other party goers.  Mingle a little and leave lots of comments...

WUW @ Savvy Southern Style
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Thrifty Things Friday @ The Thrifty Groove
Tablescape Thursday @ BNOTP
Rock 'N Share @ The Shady Porch

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