Tuesday, November 8, 2011


You may remember that a few months ago I started a major redo on my master bedroom...as I said, all the pink, flowers and vintage linens were all wrong for me...so I started my redo by painting and adding a little animal print to the mix...you can read all about that HERE and HERE...I still have plenty left to do before a final reveal but I have been doing a little fluffing that I wanted to show you...

A dresser vignette...

I was glad the pink was gone, but I still wanted somewhat of a feminine feel here...I used this black & white photo of my children because it just worked well with the mood and color scheme of the room...then I was on the hunt for something to go along with it...something feminine...I found the leopard print hat at a thrift store and knew it would be just perfect...it ties in with the leopard print sheets and draperies, but there was still something missing...you know, I always use the "odd numbers" rule in my decorating...and this vignette still needed one more thing...BUT WHAT?

I thought, and I thought, and I thought some more and then....BAM....I was sitting at work one day and a light bulb came on in my head...a BRIGHT light bulb....I said (to myself of course), how about a HUGE bottle of perfume...Yes, that would be PERFECT....nothing says feminine and romantic more than perfume...but my NEXT questions was...where do I FIND this huge bottle of perfume?...

I remembered as a teenager strolling through Famous Barr (now Macy's) at the mall and how I loved those huge bottles of perfume on display at their cosmetic counter...so I went online to see what I could find...HURRAY, I found some...they are called "FACTICES"  meaning faux...but they are VERY pricey (hundreds to thousands of dollars each)...who would've thought...just for a big bottle with colored water and a perfume label...you are KIDDING me, right!!!...

Well, never mind them...I am RESOURCEFUL...so, I made my own...

I found the large bottle at a thrift store for a few dollars...I filled it with colored water and added my own computer generated Chanel No.5 label...Ha, I LOVE it...

I made a black label and a white label...Chanel is usually white...I kind of like the black here but I will probably be changing it out for the white one...you know so it looks more like the real thing...for now, I am loving my new vignette...I think it's just the right amount of feminine...not too froo froo...'cause my husband has to sleep in this room too, ya know...

So tell me, what do you think about my little vignette and my homemade "factice".  Do you like it?

I am sharing this at some fabulous parties...stop by for a look at what everyone has been up to...

Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Rock N Share @ A Shady Porch
Primp your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
Thrifty Things Friday @ The Thrifty Groove
Show Your Creations @ Kristen's Creations



  1. I could use a kingsize bottle of Channel#5 . Cute idea. Pat

  2. How creative!!! I am impressed with your
    scotch/perfume decanter. New follower. Thank you for dropping by my place.
    Audrey at eleganteconomies.blogspot.com

  3. Such a fun idea...Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. What a great idea with the faux bottle of Chanel! Great job! Thank you so much for sharing it at the party! Hope to see you there again!

  5. That was a brilliant idea...looks so real and what a pretty vignette!
    Be blessed,

  6. I love this idea! Great inspiration for us! Thank you for joining TTF and have a great day!


I LOVE hearing from you...please leave me a comment!