Tuesday, December 13, 2011

O Christmas Tree...

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How hard you've been to photograph...

Whew, I tell you I have tried and tried to take a GOOD picture of my tree this year...but the lighting has been HORRIBLE with the rainy, dreary days we've been having and I am just not equipped with a fancy camera which makes it even WORSE...so this is the best picture I have managed to get of my Tartan tree...this was before it was completely finished....I have added some more ornaments and things to fill it in some.  

I LOVE the TARTAN ribbon!!!...

I decided to do something a little lot more whimsical to the tree in the dining room...we (the little one and I) made homemade "ornaments" out of chenille sticks in the traditional red, white and green colors...

No luck getting a good photo of this tree either, lol.

I have added some more ornaments and a large bow to the tree topper...this tree sits on top the buffet and is accompanied by an arrangement of glass jars filled with ornaments and candies...

I'm not so sure putting all this candy in reach of the kids was a good idea...every time they walk by the buffet they help themselves to a piece or TWO...I have had the refill these jars a few times...Don't worry though, I am making sure they brush their teeth good before bedtime, lol.

Happy Holidays!!


  1. Sheila first of all I adore your header! The trees are gorgeous, I have always loved ribbon wrapped around and through the trees!

    Please come & Enter my 12 Days of Holiday Giveaways!! The latest is Art & more from Fifi Flowers!!


    Art by Karena

  2. I have a hard time photographing trees too. :)

    Love the chenille sticks~ so much fun!

  3. Sheila, Your trees look great! Of course, I love the tartan ribbon, but your little tree is so special because you and your little one made the decorations. How much fun! I know what you mean about having trouble taking photos of some things. I have a "point and shoot" camera and usually I'm ok with the photos, but for some reason I'm having an awful time photographing my nativity scene. I haven't shown it yet, because I keep taking photos hoping to get some good ones. Thanks for visiting and I'm your newest follower.
    Have a great weekend.


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