Friday, December 16, 2011


Happy Holidays everybody...are you all ready for Christmas yet or are you like me and still have a bazillion things left to do?...I still have to wrap EVERYTHING...I haven't baked one single thing yet, nor have I gotten around to setting up my Christmas tablescape or cleaning the house from top to bottom...I guess you will be reading about those endeavors AFTER Christmas...LOL...

Want to know the reason that I haven't gotten any of that stuff done?...well, it's because my husband FINALLY decided it was time to tackle finish our bathroom remodel...remember this GREEN monster?...

Yes I know,  oooooooooooh gross...every square inch of this bathroom was mint green...and NASTY...that's what you get when you buy a 70 year old home that hasn't been updated since the 50's!!!

I started a remodel on this WAAAAAAAY back in July...I ripped out not one but TWO layers of tile flooring and gave the cabinets and woodwork a fresh coat of white can read all about that HERE and HERE...

I have been WAITING ever since for my husband to take out the toilet and sink so we I could finish this project....he waited until two weeks before Christmas to do this...GO FIGURE...anyway we are making some serious flooring has been layed, wallpaper has been hung and board and battan has been installed...Our progress this far...

This bathroom will be finished by Christmas...NOTHING ELSE will be done but by golly this bathroom will be finished!!! LOL...The final reveal coming soon...STAY TUNED!

Sharing at The Shady Porch (Rock N Share) and at Hating Martha (Perfectly You)



I would like to thank D over at The Shady Porch for giving me a Liebster Award...D offers a great weekly linky party...Rock N Share...It's a hoot...stop on by and share some of your projects.

Liebster is the german word for FRIEND or LOVE...isn't that sweet...I am so thrilled to have been considered for this award!!  Thanks again D!!!!!

This award is meant to give a big SHOUT OUT to new up & coming blogs...blogs with fewer than 200 followers...This is a pay-it-forward type of award...if you have been selected to receive this award here's what you gotta do...
  • Choose 5 up&coming blogs of fewer than 200 followers to award the Liebster to;
  • Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them (it might be good to become a follower of theirs too; hint, hint);
  • Post the award on your blog.  Be sure to put a link back to the blogs you have give the Liebster to so everyone else can pay them a visit.
That's it...I am passing along this coveted award to:

These are some really AWESOME new blogs...stop by and take a look for yourself...if you like what you see how about giving some love and becoming a FOLLOWER.

 ~Happy Holidays~


  1. Sheila, I love makeovers and it it so much fun to see Before & After shots! You're new bathroom is looking great! Love the wall paper!! BTW-Your hubby sounds like mine...timing issues!:)

  2. First, Thanks for the award...I will be sure to pay it forward! And your bathroom is looking fantastical! Love the board and battan treatment! Thanks for linking it up at Hating Martha!

  3. Wow, what a transformation! I am loving that wallpaper and the wainscoting. How fun. It is worth not cooking and wrapping. Buy gift bags this year and get the goodies from some great bakery - you deserve it!

    (By the way, that is a myth that Mrs. Claus is chubby - she works it all off running after the elves and doing all the behind the scenes work - I know, I know her personally!!! Ha ha!)


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