Monday, May 7, 2012


Happy Monday everybody...did I really just say that?  You might ask, what's EVER happy about MONDAYS?  Mondays are always so hectic and exhausting but not for me today.  I guess I am still reeling in the excitement of the weekend.  This past Saturday was our annual

mother/daughter banquet at church and I was once again invited to help decorate for the occasion.  This years theme was "VESSELS OF HONOR"...(for a good read, check out my thoughts on this topic over at FAITH IN ACTION)...This is such a great theme for a mother/daughter banquet and I can just tell you, the ladies I attend church with are very much "vessels of honor" unto the Lord.  Each one is so incredibly beautiful and talented that I'm not sure I even belong sometimes but I am so thankful that God has allowed me to be a part of them. 

Anyway, with the theme being about vessels, we wanted our decor to incorporate some type of pitchers or pots as our main focus.  We decided on using ceramic pitchers and bowls as we are on a tight budget and several of our ladies allowed us to borrow theirs.  Of course we promised to take extra special care of them. 

Each year we try to set up a place which incorporates the theme for the ladies and their daughters to have a picture taken at so they have a keepsake of the event.  I knew I wanted to do something elegant but at the same time have some "faded charm" as well.  I was having trouble coming up with just the right thing and then it hit me...our beautiful ceramic pitchers paired with old wooden ladders and my wooden garden gate.  I knew just where to get these items and it didn't cost us a thing.  My father-in-law had the ladders and I''ve had an old wooden garden gate that I have been toting around for years just waiting for the right occasion to use it.  I think it was all a match made in heaven...what do you think?

We placed the pitchers on the rungs of the ladder and filled in with some white sheers and lots of greenery.  We saved an empty spot on top of the smaller ladder as a place for someone to sit while having their picture taken.

I think everything turned out simply gorgeous and I really had fun with this one. 

I got lots of shots from our banquet but this one is my favorite...

a surprise shot of my beautiful teenage daughter.  She was more beautiful than all the decorations.  I love her so much. 

I would love to show you some photos of our beautiful mothers and daughters posing for their pictures but I don't have their permission to do that.  However, I am going to do something totally out of character for me and that is to show you the photo taken of myself and my daughter.  I hate having my picture taken and I have NEVER, EVER posted a picture of myself on the internet for the whole world to see...uh, because I am no raving beauty but here goes...'cause as they say (whoever THEY are)...there is a first time for everything!

Sharing this at any and every place they will let me...

Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ A Coastal Charm
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Show & Tell @ Mrs. Hines Class
Rock N Share @ The Shady Porch
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Treasure Hunt Thursday @ From My Front Porch To Yours
Share your Creations @ Kristen's Creations
Grace at Home @ Imparting Grace
Vintage Inspirations @ Common Ground
Inspiration Friday @ The Picket Fence
Thrifty Things Friday @ The Thrifty Groove
Addicts (not so) Anonymous @ Addicted to Decorating


  1. No matter how we look like this, the inner part is the most important thing. I don't see no difference.

    Your daughter is lovely and it's cool she poses for your banquet. Great job ladies.

    Happy TTT,

  2. What a beautiful display! I love your collection of ceramic pitchers! You two girls look pretty and happy!

  3. You are beautiful and so is your daughter, You did a great job with the display. Thanks for sharing.

  4. This post is so touching for a couple of different reasons: your declaration of love and adoration for your daughter and your presence in the photo. Thank you for sharing your Mother's Day luncheon at Show & Tell. I've been blessed by it.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  5. Oh what a wonderful vignette, so beautiful and I love your pitcher collection. You and your daughter are both gorgeous, what a fabulous picture. So glad everyone had a wonderful time. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  6. Shelia what a great way to spend time with your daughter! Thanx for coming to THT!

  7. The vigentte is beautiful as are you and your daughter! What a fun way to spend time with each other! Thank you for joining TTF this week and have a wonderful weekend and a very happy Mother's Day!

  8. I love the pitchers and how you displayed them on the ladders. Good job!

  9. How pretty! What a great experience to share with your daughter.

  10. I love that "vessels" theme! Great use of the ladders--that was inspired, if you ask me. :) You are blessed to have a daughter; glad you got to celebrate together.

    Thank you so very much for joining Grace at Home!


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