Thursday, May 17, 2012


Hello everyone.  I hope you all are enjoying as much beautiful spring weather where you are as we are here in east central Missouri.  Our weather has been simply gorgeous!  Flowers blooming, birds singing and babies hatching...

duck babies that is...

Awww, aren't they cute?  There's a wonderful place that I go to eat my lunch almost daily when I am working.  Hoppe Spring Park in Steelville, Missouri.  It's just a few blocks from the office and this time of year is an especially wonderful time to enjoy lunch here.  I feel so completely rich and totally blessed to get to spend time here each day and I thought you might like to have a look around as well.

I'll keep the narration to a minimum that way you can just enjoy the scenery...

They are SOOOOO precious!!!

Perhaps one of these beautiful male Mallards is the daddy?

BOTTOMS UP!!  I love it when they dive for cute!

Not sure what kind of duck this is. I don't think he's a goose but I know one thing, he sure is BIG!

The house way, way up that hill there is the Easterday House.  This is an old house that can be rented as a vacation house.  It is outfitted with vintage everything and would be a great place to spend the weekend...just saying, you know in case you're ever in the Steelville area and need a place to stay.

I love this little bridge. It's one of my favorite features here.

Watch your step!

 Just up this way is the Hoppe Spring museum which is in one of the oldest houses in Steelville.

The museum is only open during weekend hours so I have never been.  Behind the museum is a one room school house/church which is not open to the public and which silly me forgot to take a picture of.  Maybe next time.  Or, maybe you might want to take a little drive to Hoppe Spring Park and take a look for yourself.  That's an even better idea.

Gotta go, I got a lunch date with the ducks...giggle.

Have a wonderful spring day and do yourself a favor...have lunch at the park today and take a little time to really enjoy this beautiful spring weather you are having.

Sharing at:

Grace at Home @ Imparting Grace

1 comment:

  1. So pretty Sheila! I am always so surprised at how large geese and swans are when they are out of the water. Thanks for the tour of your lovely park. Have a great Sunday!!!


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