Tuesday, May 22, 2012


A few months ago when the hubs and I were away at marriage retreat in Branson we bought into one of the specials with the Bass Pro Shops for a weekend getaway.  The only catch to this 3 day, 2 night trip for only $99 was...

that we had to put up with a pushy....VERY PUSHY...salesman for two hours while he TRIED to sell us on one of those WAY too expensive timeshare vacation packages.  As I said, he tried, but he DID NOT succeed.  We tried to tell him that we weren't interested but he had a hard time taking no for an answer...alas WE WON...my husband is just way too CHEAP to be roped (suckered) into one of those things...if you know what I mean.  It's a good thing too because I don't know if I could possibly lower myself to take vacations at places like these...

or sleep in rooms like these...

and I most certainly could not eat here...


...or here!

and I could never relax or enjoy quiet time in places like these...

Oh, and I just couldn't possibly stand to stroll through gardens or places like these...

Well, that would just not do.  I mean who could possibly tolerate a vacation like that? 

No seriously, I did NOT want to come home.  Everything was soooo beautiful.  I could totally picture myself living in a cabin in the mountains...the OZARK MOUNTAINS of Missouri on beautiful Tablerock Lake.  Strolling through heavenly gardens, listening to bubbling brooks and waterfalls...Oh yes, I could do that forever...but one must come back down to reality...the reality is the price tag for all that...wow was it ever a whopper!!!...No way could we buy into that timeshare, but we did get to enjoy some family time together and a few days outdoors at a truly lovely place.

We also enjoyed going to Stained Glass Theatre in Springfield, MO and some shopping at the Branson Landing on Saturday.  Would you believe I didn't buy a thing.  Nope, not even from Kirklands.  I think I was just too tired.  Nothing seemed to interest me except getting back to the hotel so I could crash for the night.

These photos were taken from the Big Cedar Lodge and Wilderness Club websites and are not my own although this is what we did see while visiting and touring the properties.  I will be back later with a few of my own photos from this trip.  However, there are only a few because I truly did not have time or the chance to get many.  I do want to share them nevertheless.  Ciao!

Sharing at:

Rock N Share @ The Shady Porch
Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy you really dodged a bullet. I'd hate to think you would have to vacation at any of those places. :)


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