Thursday, August 23, 2012


Had some left over black paint from a project in the bubs' room.  Bet you can't guess what I've done with it...

Have been spotting a few black doors around blogland and couldn't resist the urge to use up my left over paint...

So what do you think?  Looks GOOOOOOD, huh?  I'm absolutely in love with it and even more surprised that the hubs likes it too.  Had enough to do the back door also...

and I have a little somethin', somethin' up my sleeve for the windows in the back door as well...(hint, it involves frosted contact paper)...I bet you're just in stitches of anticipation now aren't you?

Do you have any left over paint from other projects?  Do you have a door you could paint?

Sharing at:

Imparting Grace
The Picket Fence


  1. I really like the black doors! They make such a statement! Thank you for sharing your project at Potpourri Friday! Hoping you will make it a weekly or regular party stop!

    I am a new friend and follower and hope you will be too!

  2. It DOES look good -- I have known I need to paint my doors for a long time but really never thought of the black (even though my living/dining room is full of black accents!).

  3. Yes, indeed, it looks great! I love black doors. All our interior doors are painted white, which works well with our white trim, but I think the black looks smashing on your doors!


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