Monday, August 27, 2012


We are so excited!  The coolest thing happened to us this past week...

One week ago Sunday as we were getting ready to leave for church we had a lady from our towns Historic Preservation Commission show up at the house.  She introduced herself and then proceeded to tell us that she had placed our house on the local Historic Preservation list.  She invited us to a special meeting at the Historic Society Museum which was scheduled for this past Saturday (Aug. 25).  (A little sideline Advertisement...The museum is a really neat place with lots of great artifacts from the local area.  If you are ever in Cuba, Missouri you should stop and have a look).

Now for the rest of the story...we went to the meeting even though we didn't think that our home qualified as an historic building because it is not quite 100 years old.  However, it is nearing 75 years old and apparently does fall inside the guidelines for being an historic property.  Isn't that the coolest thing?  Yes, that is cool, but it was even cooler that we received a plaque to put on the outside of our house showing that our home is listed with the Historic Preservation Commission and that it is also included as property #24 in the City of Cuba's Historic Walking Tour.

Yes indeed that is THE COOLEST THING!!!  Ha, I am so excited.  Now I can't wait to get the house painted so we can hang our plaque.  SO COOL!!!

If you would like to see some photos of our home, check out the "OUR HOME" page at the top of  this blog.

Sharing at:

A Stroll Thru Life
Coastal Charm
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Savvy Southern Style
Imparting Grace
At the Picket Fence

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Congratulations!
    You should check to see if this qualifies you for special tax incentives. Our house is also in a historic district and we can get up to $2000 a year in tax credits for improvements we do to the exterior of our home. It is worth looking into!


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