Thursday, September 27, 2012


I'm a little (okay A LOT) behind this year.  I haven't done any fall decorating this year nor have I done any fall posts this year.  You all are WAY ahead of me but here goes, my first fall post of the year albeit short and sweet...literally....

Okay, I have to admit that I am a real foodie...especially a junk food foodie....hahaha.  Give me some junk food (well just about any food EXCEPT liver) and I'll be your best friend.  I love food and it all this extra weight I carry around.  Okay, okay.  I admit I am NOT a health nut.  My bad!!

Anyway, let me get to the purpose of this post.  I love to try neat foods especially around the holidays.  Last year my favorite fall treat was hallowing out apples and using them as cider mugs...see

Aren't they adorable?  Yes, yes they are!

This year I just spotted my new favorite fall treat in the Country Living Magazine.

S'mores candied apples. YUMMMMMM!  Ingenious!!  I will being making some of these soon.  Perhaps for bubs' birthday coming up here in a few short weeks.

If you would like to make some of these too (think fall festivals and get togethers) go HERE to get all the details.  HAPPY FALL Y'ALL!!!

Sharing at:
Imparting Grace
Coastal Charm
From My Front Porch To Yours


  1. OMGoodness...those apples look sooooo GOOD!!


  2. I've got all the stuff to make caramel apples right now! I have to keep shoo-ing my kids and husband away from eating the apples before I get the chance to dunk them in caramel!

    Visiting from Imparting Grace, btw!

  3. Thank you, Sheila, for stopping by for a visit at Thinking About Home, and for leaving your sweet comments. Glad to have you along on this 31-day journey! :)

  4. How yummy are those!! Thanx for linking up to THT!

  5. YUM! That drink looks great - it's been chilly here for awhile now - I need a warm yummy drink!

  6. SO cute! I love apples in the autumn--they're so crisp and sweet this time of year. And I'm a lover of junk food, too--I try not to overdo it, but with candy corn in the stores, it's hard! :)


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