Thursday, October 4, 2012


Paper, I love paper...all sorts of paper.

I love scrapbook paper, wallpaper, wrapping paper, craft paper.  You name it, I love it, but I don't use paper in the normal sorts of ways.  Yes, I occasionally use paper for writing or putting together a scrapbook page but mostly I use it in home decor.

Yes, I have used scrapbook paper to revamp small lamp shades...Just ask my friend Barbie...and right now I am working on a show stopper of a piece for my fall mantle, which I hope to show you sometime this next week, from plain white cardstock.   I have made numerous crafty home decor items from paper.  It's just so versatile.

Why all this talk about loving paper?....Well, I finally received my wallpaper samples from Farrow & Ball in the mail this morning.  My five samples were FREE of charge, because the people at Farrow & Ball are generous like that.  They did't even charge shipping.  I'm giddy with excitement as I study each beautiful piece.  They are quite large for samples... 8 1/2" x 11" sheets...and I know I will find some great ways to use them.

 I ordered the samples because I am wanting to line the back of my built-in bookshelves in the living room.  I ordered five different colors that I thought would work well with my new perspective wall color, Pale Smoke by Ben Moore.

Design:  St. Antoine BP 942

Design:  Silvergate BP 866

Design:  Silvergate BP 813

Design:  Orangerie BP 2511

Design:  St. Germain BP 1721

I think I am going to like the green the best; although, I love the light blue and the yellow too.  Decisions, decisions!!!

Anyway, if you are interested in sampling some wallpaper...whether your looking to wallpaper something, or just because you love paper like it do, swing on over to Farrow & Ball's site and order you up some samples.  You can receive up to five FREE samples and they have many designs and colors to choose from.

BTW, this is not a paid advertisement for Farrow & Ball.  I just like to pass along a good deal when I find one...and FREE is a good deal, right?  Yes, free IS good!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like the blue - but that's because I like an all-white palette and that's the closest! I love all those papers for paper projects though!


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