Wednesday, January 23, 2013



I am SOOOOO EXCITED!!!  My new camera arrived yesterday.  Squeal..........

My old camera had an accident by the name of AJ.  Yes, my son broke my camera.  He knocked my purse on the floor, the camera flew out and the battery door got broke (if I would've had it in the case, that would not have happened, oooooops!).  I know that case is around this house somewhere!!!  It's the where that befuddles me....snicker.  Anyway, It's really hard to snap a shot and hold the battery door closed at the same time.  Hence the reason I have not done a whole lotta blogging lately.  I have been doing a lot of projects....I REALLY HAVE!, but there are no pictures to prove it!  LOL...

Well, I can't operate a reputable blog without a camera now can I?  No sureeee bob, so...I ordered a new camera...from Dell.  Who knew that Dell sold cameras?  Not me, that's who!

The hubs said I could order whatever camera I wanted (namely the Canon Rebel T3i) but I just couldn't justify spending $500.00+ on a I went with the Canon PowerShot ELPH 110hs.

Yes, another point and shoot.  I know, I know, most bloggers have a nice fancy camera like the Canon Rebel and I am truly jealous but I am just a novice so a big, expensive, fancy camera would never be a good fit for me.  Besides, I needed something that fits easily into my purse (in a case of course, lol) and this one fits the bill.

It's slim and has a lot of good features...

My favorite being this huge 3" LCD screen.

I love it!  Right now I am reading up on how to operate this little gem but I will be back soon with a review of this product and some pictures of all those projects that I HAVE been working on.  Until then...have a happy picture taking, photo snapping day!  Ciao,

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