Thursday, January 24, 2013


Mmmmmkay, like the title to this post?  Yes, I knew you would.  Wanna know what exactly it's about?  Sure you do and if you don't, I'm gonna tell ya anyway...uhhh, cause I want to!

No really, I thought you might like to know what exactly I do all day everyday....for.9.hours.everyday ...well, except for Saturdays and Sundays...

I work!  I have a full time, Monday through Friday, day shift job as a legal secretary and I thought just maybe you would like to see the work environment in which I spend the majority of my time...hence the reason I don't get to do much blogging...I am usually here...

at this desk....

Truly awe inspiring isn't it? Yes, it's so beautiful I can hardly stand it...I know, shut up with the sarcasm already...

My view to the outside world...that is when I'm not busy doing legal stuff of surfing the internet...

Ooooooh, the view is so much cooler after tweaking it on PIC MONKEY...don't you agree?

Yes, this firm is located on main street.  The view across the street is of an empty delapidated building and a lovely trashcan.  It just doesn't get any better than this!

I sometimes feel as if I work at a beautiful resort in the tropics when I gaze at this...cough, cough...lovely plant...NOT

I think it's dying...probably don't like looking out this window all day any more than I do is what I think it's problem is.  Ha, just kidding.  No I really think it's dying because it don't like our COLD Missouri weather.  Maybe I should move it away from the window.  Hmm now there's an idea.

Let's see what else would you like to see here at the office...let's check out some of the nice decor shall we?

I will say we are totally trendy here at the firm.  Our reception area is decked out with seating in this totally hot green.  Not sure what era these are actually from, but hey for now they are back in style....I think???

We have some luxurious leather seating as well...

Okay, now a full view of our work space...

So there you have it...THE OFFICE.  It's where I spend the majority of my time and shhhh...don't tell the's where I type my blog posts too. HEHE

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