Friday, January 25, 2013


So as you all know, I have been working on fixing up sis's room.  She inherited our old master bedroom when we traded spaces a few months back.  She tells me she is really liking her new room.  Yay.  I love it when that happens...teenagers can be so hard to please sometimes!

The walls were painted a nice warm gray, Gray Marble by Olympic.  We have all new bedding and new DIY curtains, a new white shag rug and the chandy has recently been updated.  You can see that post HERE.  I someday hope to get a new, more modern, light fixture for in here but until then the chandy will do.

This past week, I worked on giving some of her old furniture a little face lift.  Her old lingerie chest and nightstand that I had spray painted black years ago really needed some work.  The paint was faded, scratched and just plain ugly.  Here is a before shot (from our old house) when they still looked pretty nice.

Sorry for the poor quality pic.  It's the only one I could find and it was from the real estate listing when we had our old house up for sale.

Anyway, we decided that a fresh coat of paint was what this furniture needed to breath some new life into it again, and it's definitely cheaper than buying all new furniture.

The color she of her favorite colors.

Yes, I know that was LAST year's color of the year...according to Pantone and we are a little behind the times, but with the help of some oops paint from Wal-mart at $8.00 for a whole gallon...we'll just have to sacrifice being all trendy now, won't we!  (In case you didn't know...This year's color of the year is Emerald.)  The paint was a slightly lighter shade of orange than what I had in mind so I added some red paint that I already had on hand to darken it up a bit.  I love how it turned out, don't you?

Both pieces got new knobs...they were $1.17 ea. from Lowes. (Yes, I probably should have gotten rid of the bobby pin before snapping this shot, but I'm just keeping it real people, keeping it real)...What, you don't have any bobby pins lying around anywhere, you case a wild hair tries getting away from you all the sudden?  LOL

Now where were we?...Oh yes, back to the knobs....I love the weaved texture of the metal and the touch of brass in them.  Contrasts perfectly with the orange and....brass IS back in style now!  Yes, that's see we're not too far behind the times after all....are we? Not that that matters or anything.  LOL

The total cost for revamping these pieces was around $18.00.  That's $8.00 for the gallon of paint and around $10.00 for 8 new knobs.  However, I have a ton of paint left over so it really cost me less than that.  Also, I didn't really have to replace the knobs...I could have used the old ones and this project would have cost me even less but...I just really wanted new knobs and at $1.17 ea. I couldn't pass them up.  Still WAY cheaper than buying new furniture and that's all that matters!

I have a few more projects left to do in here...reupholster the chair and bed frame and a few other things, but I hope to show you a full reveal in a month or so.  Yes, I know....these room makeovers TAKE.SO.LONG but I am slowly and surely chipping away at this one and I.WILL.GET.IT.DONE!

Maybe I could use some cheering on....and everyone says...GIT ER DONE, GIT ER DONE....come on say it with me now...GIT ER DONE!  Hahahaha.

Have a fabulous day and an even better weekend.  See ya!

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Miss Mustard Seed...Furniture Feature Friday


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