Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Good morning, good morning.  How are all of you, my friends, this fine Wednesday morning?  Hopefully you are all fairing well and that you have not caught the horrible stomach virus that has been plaguing the nation lately.  I have had my share of it and I am so glad it's finally over.  The hubs has had it and my daughter was home sick with it yesterday.  We are seriously praying our little bubs doesn't catch it.  So far so good, but maybe I should knock on some wood while I'm at it, huh?

Okay so now the moment you all have been waiting for...a looksy at our new roof.  Yes, I know these are the types of things you all live for.  So without further ado...drum roll please...

Pay no mind to the latter my husband left out the other day, or the huge overgrown bushy weed at the corner of the flower bed, I'm just keeping it real here.  Hahaha.  Pay attention however to that beautiful new roof.  Gorgeous isn't it? Goes great with the house, doesn't it?

It has architectural style shingles in rustic black and a new vented ridge cap.  There were some problems in the flashing area.  Some of the flashing is showing  (which irritates the fire out of me)...see the silver part showing where the roof of the front porch meets the house? That's the flashing.  They did things differently way back when this house was built.  They didn't use flashing then.  Most times to make the roof air tight they just stuck shingles up under the siding or used tar to seal the seams.  This was the case with our house. Nowadays they use metal flashing which is thinner and it left a gap between the new shingles and the siding. Now our flashing is showing.  Haha, that almost sounds as if our roofs underwear is showing.  Hehehe.  This problem is no biggie really, we just have to climb up there and paint it the same color as the siding.   Or should I say the hubs has to climb up there and paint it!

Oh, did you notice that the finial over the door is finally back in place.  Ahh, I love it.  When the house was all white you couldn't even see all the beautiful architectural details and trim this house has.  I'm so glad I decided to give the house a new color last year.  Now all those details really stand out, including our exposed flashing in this next pic!!!

We will be putting the shutters up and the storm door on later this week.  As soon as that's done I will give you all the details.

And now a little pic of my next project which I hope to start on Monday...

I am soooo EXCITED about this project.  The finishing of it will put me one step closer to finishing my dining room redo.  I hope to transform this pedestal table, a Rolla Net (sort of like Craigslist) find, into something that looks more like this...

I will be making up some homemade chalk paint for the bottom and using a vinegar and steel wool solution to weather the top.Wish me luck!


  1. Congratulations on the new roof! It looks gorgeous atop your equally gorgeous house! Also, it's fun to hear that you had some fun time while finishing this project. By the way, I want to add that I like the color of your siding. Good decision repainting it from white! Though the old color must've looked more pristine, you're right about it hiding the details and trim of your siding. Good job!
    Allyson @ Affordable Roofing Systems

  2. If you hadn't mentioned the ladder or the weed, I wouldn't have paid any attention to it. That's how beautiful the house looks with this new roof. As for the flashing, you're right, it's no big deal. Better insulation is worth doing a little extra paint job. -Tiffany @ Maggio Roofing

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  5. Awesome. Should have been one heck of an experience :) I guess we're really predisposed to building things and not staying idle. It's only the matter of getting the right help. So, this is a good thing.

  6. Oooh, a black roof! Haha, I just have an affinity for black roofs. I think they look so sleek and modern. I love your roof! I think you chose exactly the right material and shade for your house.

    Edna Shakes @ Presto Roofing

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  8. I am excited to see the how the table turns out. I just bought a bunch of pallets and I am planning on making a table and some chairs out of it. I love wood furniture. There is something the is so much more homey and welcoming than anything else. Can not wait to see pictures of the end project.

    Pleasance Faast @ Shelton Roof


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