Monday, August 26, 2013


Well as we all know it's back to school time.

My children started back to school nearly two weeks ago.  A little early I think but I guess that means they will get out a little earlier next year.

I always like to give my children's teachers a little homemade gift at some point during the year just to say thanks for doing what they do.  I usually do this at Christmas time but I saw something at Michaels recently that made me want to rethink this and perhaps give the teacher a little something at the beginning of the school year...

How about a little back to school wreath for the classroom door.  Isn't this soooo adorable?  It is so doable too.  You would never have to pay $49.99 for this unless you wanted to.  You could totally do this yourself for MUCH cheaper.  I have seen the pencil cutouts, sunflowers, scissors and faux apples at the Dollar Tree store.  They also carry styrofoam wreaths for $1 there.  The only costly item on this wreath is the burlap ribbon and even that isn't $49.99 so you could afford to make more than one.  I'd hate to make my son the envy of the class and the teacher's pet but I so want to make one of these for the Bub's teacher this year.  It's just too cute!!!

Now for a little laugh...

I was in downtown Washington, Missouri recently and came across a cute little store...It was their sign that caught my attention...

I just could not resist snapping a pic so you all could get a little chuckle too.  So Cute!!!

Sharing at:

Between Naps on the Porch...Met Monday
Coastal Charm...Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute. You don't even have to but burlap ribbon-a yard of burlap is wide-and cheap at Wal Mart-make your own.


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