Thursday, August 8, 2013


We had such a great time at Truman Dam and Lake and I took a lot of pics of our adventure at the Harry S. Truman visitor center.  Too many to put in one post for sure.  As I said in Part I there are a lot of things to do at the visitor center.  Not only is there a conservatory to view the dam and lake but there are some outdoor attractions as well.  So here is part II of our day at the visitor center.

The visitor center is home to the Elmore Log Cabin Complex, Kaysinger's General Store and Hooper House.  They places are strewn along a 1/4 mile long walk.  A very pleasant little hike.  First stop Elmore Cabin and a few outbuildings nestled just inside a stand of tall cedars...

I love the "fenced" yard, don't you?

Sorry for the blurry pics.  Point and shoots don't always give the best quality.  This is my son, AJ, in red along with my Brother-in-law and his two grandchildren.  They were having a great time.

Upon entering the Cabin is the Cabin's sign.  You might notice it shows the Cabin was established in "1999". That is not however when the cabin was built.  The cabin is from the 1800's and was moved here to preserve it.

Inside the cabin was one room and it also had a loft bedroom, which I did not take a picture of.  The downstairs room had a dining nook tucked under the stairs...

A kitchen area...My aren't you glad our kitchens are a tad bigger these days?...

and a fireplace in the living room area.  I would imagine the fireplace was also used as a stove.  

Just after visiting this cute little cabin, and at the top of the trail is Kaysinger General Store.  This is the
newest addition to the center.  When we were here two years ago they were just finishing up building this cute little store and it was not open yet.  I am glad we got a chance this year to see it in operation.

There were lots of handmade quilts.

I loved the handmade board games.  So neat!!

I loved the handmade brooms too.  I especially liked the ones on handles.  They remind me of witches brooms.

The little store is designed to look as if it were straight out of the prairie days.  The immediate picture that came to mind upon stepping into this cute little store was the Olson's General Store from Little House on the Prairie. So cute and full of homemade wares.  Quilts, brooms, baskets, jams, jellies and much more. Even the folks running the store were in full prairie attire.  However I didn't get a picture of them as my battery went dead before I got the chance to snap a shot of them.  DRATS!!!  I knew I should've charged my battery before leaving home.

Never fear though I did get shots of the other attractions on sight because we waited until last to visit the store.  Once past Kaysinger's General Store there is an old stable and then the Concord Schoolhouse...It's a one room school house that at one time was used as a school, church and I believe a post office.

Well, when they said it was one room, they weren't kidding.  It's one small room and functioned as everything a town church, city name it.

 I bet there was a lot of reading, writing and arithmetic done on these desks way back in the day, all done on slate boards.  I didn't take a pic but they had a stack of those on a small bookshelf in the corner.

Hooper trail is set up to look like a little old time prairie village.  There are a few barns and stables, the one room school house, Hooper House and a few outhouses.  There are plenty of of things to see.  Like this little well, (with a modern day fixture)...

A threshing floor and outdoor furnace,

Cool huh?  I think my favorite little outbuilding was this cute little outhouse...

so, so glad we don't have use those anymore!!!  LOL

Well, I am going to stop here and leave you on the pot because this post is getting way too long and picture laden but I will be back later to share with you the conclusion of my workation and walk down Hooper Trail. Until then take a load off and have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Much obliged to you for sharing such extraordinary data. It has help me in discovering more about Portico quilts


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