Thursday, August 8, 2013


Now for the conclusion of our workation escapades...

When I left you last time we were walking down Hooper Trail at the Harry S. Truman Visitor Center in Warsaw, Missouri.  It is a real must see place if you are ever in or near Warsaw, MO.  My family loves it in Warsaw and I can't speak for the rest of the family but the visitor center is MY favorite place to visit.  If you are a house lover and I know you are, you will see why this is my favorite place.  It captures the essence of the American dream right down to the little picket fence...

Just past the little one room schoolhouse is Hooper House.  The cutest little one and a half story saddle bag style home. Here's a little history behind it and a description of "saddle bag" style and why it is unique...

It features a small kitchen,


 I love this beautiful old secretary and bookcase...

I love the lacy window panels.  I can just imagine that is exactly how it looked when Mrs. Hooper decorated her charming little cottage.

This next little seating area was in the back of the house behind the kitchen and bedroom.  This was the largest room in the house and was set up as if it was the living room.  We couldn't go upstairs, but I would imagine that it was the original master bedroom when the Hooper's lived in it.  In those days, I would think the living room and kitchen areas were in the front of the house and that the large room in the back was used as the children's bedroom (most families had many children and the room was long and narrow.  Perfect for setting up a "row" of beds) and then the parents bedroom was upstairs.  For now they have a small table and chairs, dresser and closet in that room...

There was also a summer kitchen.  Have you ever heard of one of those?  It is a special "detached" kitchen that was used in the summer time to prep and cook meals without heating up the main house.  What a great idea.  I would love to have a summer kitchen, wouldn't you?

looking out the backroom door you can see into the summer kitchen door and Visa Versa.  This way mother could keep an eye on her napping children.

Inside the kitchen what else would there be but a nice large stove.

This small kitchen had just enough room to prep and cook meals.   I love it so much.

I totally love this whole little town and this little saddle bag house is just to die for.  Such simpler times for sure.   There's no doubt this is my favorite place to come when I visit Warsaw, Missouri.  If I could, I would pull up a rocking chair and sit for hours just soaking in all the nostalgia of days gone by.

I would totally go back this weekend if I could.  Maybe I will get to go in late October when they host the Heritage Days festival.  There will be all kinds of artisans and vendors making and selling their wares along with some amazing Ozark mountain food.  Yes, yes, that sounds like a plan and if you are in town about that time you might want to get in on the festivities.  Hope to see you there!!


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