Friday, October 11, 2013


Hey and Happy Friday...TGIF.  For reals!

So what do you have planned for this beautiful fall weekend?  Are you thinking about taking a trip to the PUMPKIN PATCH?  Ooooh, I just love the pumpkin patch.  It's one of my favorite things about fall. Another of my favorite things about fall is all the yummy things I get to make out of those little pumpkins we bring home.  Things like crispy, crunchy toasted PUMPKINS SEEDS.  Mmmm!

I toasted my first batch of the year last night. Only this time instead of just seasoning them with salt, I added a sweet little spin to my recipe in the form of some Cinnamon and Brown Sugar.   Nummmmm, they were sooooo good that I may never go back to just plain ol' salty pumpkin seeds again.  Seriously!!

Here's the recipe just in case you bring a few pumpkins back from the patch this weekend and are in the mood for a sweet (healthy and vitamin packed) treat...


1 Whole Pumpkin
1/2-1 Tbsp. Cooking oil
2 Tbsp. Brown sugar
1 Tsp. Cinnamon
Dash of salt

  • Scoop all the seeds and innards from your pumpkin.
  • Separate the seeds from the innards and rinse in warm water.
  • Pat dry with a few paper towels.
  • Preheat oven to 300 degrees...
  • Place seeds in a small bowl with cooking oil.  Toss seeds to mix well.
  • Add Brown Sugar, Cinnamon and salt to the bowl and mix.
  • Spread seeds in an even layer on a cookie sheet and place in the oven for 45-50 minutes or until golden brown.  Give the pan a shake to toss the seeds every 10-15 minutes to make sure they toast evenly.
  • Remove from oven and let cool a few minutes, then ENJOY! 
It's that EASY!!!  

I hope you will make it a point this season to toast and enjoy some of these Brown Sugar & Cinnamon pumpkin seeds.  They really are tasty and they are good for you.  Pumpkin seeds have a ton of essential vitamins and minerals that are good for your eyes, skin and hair...and get this, they are LOW FAT too. 

Happy Fall Y'all!!

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