Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Happy Wednesday everyone!

Okay so this post is a little weak but I just wanted to give you all a glimpse of my fall decor this year.  You all have shown me such beautiful vignettes full of lovely autumn delights and I have shown you nothing in the way of my fall decor.

Now last year I did what I thought was a beautiful mantel with my homemade sunburst mirror...

We also enjoyed a candy buffet and other fall delights in the dining room...

The year before I went all out with several fall vignettes with fairly traditional flare...

Pretty wasn't it?  Even in spite of my horrible picture taking skills! Ha

This year I have gone really simple...I mean REALLY simple.  And so now without further ado, I show you the extent of my fall decor for 2013...

A nice cozy chenille throw and if you squint you can see a vase of branches on the dining room table.  That's it!  So very sophisticated huh?  Yeah I thought so.  LOL!!!!  There's not a pumpkin in sight.  No brilliantly colored fall leaves, nothing.  Can I say that I have just been plain ol' lazy this year.  I totally have not been in the MOOD to decorate.  Do you ever get that way?  I'm just tired and all I want to do when I come home from work is sit with my feet up, wrap up in my soft chenille throw, sip on some warm cider (or in my case an ice cold Diet Pepsi) and relax. Well now, isn't that what fall is all about?

1 comment:

  1. I love your hay ride sign!! And the pic below it, the one featuring the 'window paned' pic, that hung in our home when I was a girl! I always loved looking at it! Happy Fall =)


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