Thursday, November 21, 2013


'Twas the night before Thanksgiving
when all through the house,
not a creature was stirring,
not even a mouse.
With the children all nestled and snug in their beds,
Momma and Papa fold their hands and bow their heads.
Counting their blessings 
they give thanks to God,
for it is He who has made their life so good.
                                                 by: Sheila Rodgers it really only ONE WEEK before Thanksgiving?  My oh my, where has the year gone? I'm almost afraid to blink, I might miss something! Haha.  One thing I will not be missing though is Thanksgiving.

Though this is the busiest time of year I have determined that I am going to purposefully slow down, take some time to sit back, reflect upon God's goodness and give Him thanks for all the wonderful blessings He has bestowed upon me this year; and, not just for the blessings, but for everything that this year has brought. Because no matter what life brings whether it's good or bad, God is still God, He is still good and He is always worthy of my thanksgiving.

I have my journal and pen in hand ready to count my blessings.  What are you doing for Thanksgiving this year?  Anything special besides gathering your recipes for a feast of turkey and gravy?  Have you set aside some time to reflect and give thanks for God's generosities to you this year?   I hope so because He truly is worthy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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