Thursday, November 14, 2013


Hey everybody.  How's your week going?  Mine not so good.  I have been sick again.  This time with a head cold, but enough about that, I have some good news to share with you today...I started working on prettying up this crusty ol' kitchen of mine...

I was going to save this room for last simply because there is a lot of work to be done in there and I have been dreading it, but the hubs kind of got me moving on this room a little earlier than I had planned when he decided to install a cabinet above the stove to house the microwave.  I would not allow him to install it until after the top portion of the walls were repainted.  The red I had chosen to paint them shortly after moving in was just not my thing.  They were too dark and too shiny and after three years I was ready to be rid of them...

Well, one thing led to another and not only did he paint the top portion of the walls in the same beige buckhorn that I used in the dining and living rooms, but I tackled the priming and painting of the doors, door frames, windows and the bottom portion of the walls (which were terribly crusty, chippy, dingy and yellowed) with a nice fresh coat of white. And here's the results...

Much better doncha think? I am really loving these changes.  Things are looking so much brighter and cleaner already.  Now I just have to tackle the ceiling and cabinets.  The ceiling won't be bad but I am really dreading the cabs because it is such a long, drawn out, tedious and MESSY task.  However, I so anxious to finally have this kitchen done that I am planning on working on all that over the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  I hope to be done with that by Christmas and then I can concentrate on the pretty stuff, like adding pendant lights over the sink and picking out some new curtains.  Of course I will keep you updated and as soon as this little kitchen is ready for it's debut I will share all the details with you.

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