Monday, November 25, 2013


Hello everyone.  How was your weekend?  Ours was great!

Friday evening was a wonderful time for the hubs and I.  We were invited out to dinner at one of our areas finest restaurants...Sybill's Saint James...and, not only were we invited, but our entire meal was paid for. To show their appreciation for all of our hard work this year, our pastor and his wife took all the church staff members out to dinner.  Such a nice treat!!!

Now I will tell you, I am not one for FANCY, SCHMANCY restaurants.  I like casual dining best but Sybill's is a place that everyone should experience at least once, especially around the holidays when they are all decked out for Christmas.

I have only been to Sybill's twice in the 20 something years we have lived in Missouri.  Both times were near the holidays and, oddly enough, both times our meals were paid for by someone else...I am a truly blessed woman, no?

Anyway, this time I got a couple pictures of some of their awesome Christmas decor.  I don't know who does their holiday decorating but I can tell you they are good at what they do.  This place is truly magical and my pictures did not do it justice...

This beautiful, majestic fireplace greets you as come through the front door....

I would love to duplicate this scene on my mantel at home.  I could if I had a bazillion dollars as all the decor at Sybill's is for sale.  That's right, there is a price tag on literally everything in this place, including the pictures on the wall.  Not kidding!!

See, notice the price tag on the big ornament?

This years colors are silver, gold and white.  VERY ELEGANT!!!

The Christmas tree was no disappointment either.  It was chock full of some of the most unique, whimsical and beautiful ornaments I have ever seen...

Again, all of them are for sale...

and, since I didn't have to pay for my meal, I figured I could afford to buy a couple of them.  I got two of those cute little fluffy white owls.

Now I am super excited to get started on a little Christmas decorating of my own.  I'll be sure to show you where these little purchases of mine show up!

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