Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Happy Holidays everyone!!!  Are you finished decorating for Christmas yet? Shamefully I have yet to even begin. I wanted to finish up painting the trim in the living room while it is void of furniture and before putting a tree up.  I hope to be finished by the weekend.  Crossing my fingers!

Speaking of Christmas, there is a wonderful little town here in Missouri that captures the very essence of an old fashioned Christmas at it's Christmas Traditions Festival every December. This year I got the chance to visit this magical place and there is still time for you to get in on the festivities too if you live in the Saint Louis and surrounding areas. 

Historic Saint Charles is a quaint little riverside town on the outskirts of St. Louis, Missouri.  The brick paved Main Street, where the festival is held, is lined on both sides with charming little shops, restaurants and other small businesses which have all been dressed for the season.  Town square is home to one of the largest Christmas trees I have ever seen.  There's offerings of horse and carriage rides, chestnuts roasting on an open fire and Christmas carolers, dressed in Victorian attire.  There are other Christmas characters there as well.  Santas from just about every nationality, Mr. Scrooge, Jack Frost, Sugar Plum Fairies and even pipers piping.  It is truly a place strait out of a Dickens novel and a place that everyone should have the pleasure of visiting at least once.  I had heard about this place many times and I am so glad that I finally got the chance to go this year.  It's so special that I think we are going to make it a family tradition to go every year from now on.

Sadly, I was so busy enjoying my visit and it got dark so quickly that I only got a few pictures.  However, I grabbed a few from their website HERE to share with you...

There are more than 30 Christmas Characters to see

Okay, that's enough! I better leave a little of Old Saint Charles to your imagination...or,  a little for you to enjoy personally.

If you are looking for something extra special, and inexpensive, to do with your family and friends this holiday season, take a little trip to Historic downtown Saint Charles, Missouri for the Christmas Traditions Festival. I promise you will not be disappointed.

There is no admission charge to the festival.  Even the parking is free although you may have trouble finding a parking space.  The only money you will need is for food, drinks and shopping.   Oh, and of course...a carriage ride (around $5.00 per person) and some of Grandma's cookies.  A very inexpensive night out and if you go this weekend you may even get to enjoy it in the snow....so says the weather man.

Well, I'd better get going.  I need to finish that trim work so I can start doing a little Christmasifying at my house.

Until I see you next time, I wish you a wonderful holiday season.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like such a sweet and quaint little town ~ a wonderful place to enjoy the Spirit of Christmas. It is so fun at this time of year to escape into a magical place like this. Thanks for sharing.


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