Friday, January 10, 2014


Happy Friday everybody!

Has the gray skies, cold temps and awful winter weather got you feeling blue?  I believe maybe it has because I have been reading a few of your blogs and noticing how everyone is just generally feeling pretty down lately.  If this is the case, I have a little trick (or two) that might just perk you up....It's super YUMMY, super EASY and INEXPENSIVE. Well I don't know about you, but that's enough right there to make my day better...hahaha.  Would you like to know my little secret?    Here it is...

Eat an orange or other citrus fruit.

Oranges and other citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lemons and limes are packed with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a natural energy booster and mood booster as well.  It's also helpful in preventing and getting rid of viruses found in the common cold and sore throats.  So if you want to feel better now...EAT AN ORANGE! They're super yummy and very inexpensive in the winter months.

 can make a super easy, free, all natural air freshener from the rinds.  Part of what causes the wintertime blues is being shut up in a house full of stale air.  While most homemakers today use things like Scentsy or candles on a regular basis to make theirs homes smell pleasant, I don't think they realize they are only making the air in their homes dirtier and heavier.  All natural air fresheners made from things like orange, grapefruit or lemon peel actually clean, purify and freshen the air, not just mask odors and....clean air is a major mood booster.  Sooooo....after you eat your orange, DON'T THROW AWAY THE PEEL, use it to make a wonderful smelling air freshener.

Here's how...

Chop the peel into small pieces...

Squeeze each piece just slightly to release the natural oils...

Then put them into a small sauce pan or teacup...

Place on the stove on low heat to simmer if you are using a saucepan or, if you are using a teacup like I am, place the cup on a candle warmer (a Scentsy burner will work too)...

Once the water heats up the magic begins.

FEEL BETTER and have a FABULOUS weekend!!!!

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