Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Hello everyone!  How was your weekend?  Mine was a little extra long because of all the snow.  Yes we got over 12 inches and super cold temps to go along with it.  We shoveled out yesterday and I am back at work today. Another day at home would have been nice but I guess it's best to just get back at it. I always feel better when I get up and get out of the house for the day.  Besides, staying at home when it's cold out turns me into a complete couch potato. For the past two days I have done NOTHING but laze around.

I did work hard on Saturday though. I managed get the master bedroom walls painted.  I used Pebble Cinder Grey by Colorplace Paints from Wal-Mart.

Now I know you all frown on cheap paint and would never use it in your homes but I happen to like Wal-Mart paint. I have always had good luck with it and it doesn't cost upwards of $40.00 per gallon, which is a big plus in my book.

Anyway, I couldn't be happier with the color. It's a GORGEOUS light gray with warm undertones and goes beautifully with virtually everything...uhhh, even the turquoise trim and doors...

which is NOT staying.  Most importantly, it goes with my new bedding...Did you spy the new pillow shams?

I will get out the duvet and give you all the details about the new bedding as soon as I get the trim painted. Wouldn't want to take the chance of getting paint all over it.  You all know what a REALLY messy painter I am...just sayin'!

Anyway, let's take one more look at Pebble Cinder Grey by Colorplace Paints shall we...

Awwww, so pretty!!! Grays are so hard to get right but I think I hit the nail on the head with this one, don't you? LOVE IT!!

Next up, painting that trim....Ooooh, I am so DREADING that job but maybe I can muster up the energy to knock it out this weekend.  Wish me luck.

Have a fabulous day!

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