Friday, January 3, 2014


Well hello there my friends.  Happy day to you!

Christmas is finally over and the new year has begun.  Yay, I really love the start of a new year, don't you? It's a time to start fresh, purge ourselves from the old and begin again.  You know, out with the old and in with the new.

The first thing I do at the beginning of each year is to make a fresh start by putting away all the holiday decorations and give the house a good cleaning.  Ahhhh, nothing makes me happier than a nice clean, fresh, and lighter house.  As much as I love Christmas it always feels so good just to put it all away for another year and start over.

This year after putting all things Christmas away, with the exception of one...uhhh, 'two' things...which I will share with you in a minute, I was finally able to put my new living room furniture where it belongs and get a real look at how it fits and what changes need to be made to the room.

Yes I know the loveseat is a little too far to the left right now (without a rug under it, it slides around...really annoying I tell you, and the curtains are too short, IGNORE THAT.  Anywayyyys, let me start by saying that this room has a long way to go before I can call it done...OBVIOUSLY...., so don't judge too harshly by these few photos.  Since we have had three changes of furniture in as little as one year, all very different in color, it has been extremely difficult to even come close to getting this room together.  With that said, I hope the gray furniture stays around for a long while so that I can finally get things settled in here.

I will be looking for a new, larger area rug, different end tables, either a coffee table or ottoman and something for behind the loveseat. Of course all of this will take time as I am not sure exactly what I want at this point. However, and as you know, I did find a few new lamps for this room that I absolutely love just before Christmas; and...I finally got around to exchanging the shades last week.

I love the new shades.  I got them at Lowes.  They are made of a natural fiber off white burlap that filters light beautifully.  I can now sit on the sofa and read, which is something that was impossible before.  The old lamps with darker synthetic shades just did not give off enough light.  Now I just need a new lamp for the drum table by the window.  I found a mercury glass lamp at Lowes that would be perfect and as soon as I have saved enough pennies (or it goes on clearance) it will be mine.

As you may have noticed, since getting the new furniture and lamps for the end tables, I traded out the fake greenery and other accessories for something a little more clean, streamline and a little more Hollywood glam...

I have a little tweaking to do and I need a candle for the cute "diamond" candleholder I found on clearance at Michael's the other day, but I am really liking these changes.

I have also gotten rid of the HUGE Lion print on the mantel...well not gotten rid of...I still have him.  He's just in hiding.  He really took offense to so many of you thinking he is OUTDATED so he has resorted to therapy...LOL.  He may make his way back to the mantel at some point, though probably not for a while.  Awww, rejection is sooo hard!  Truthfully I am looking for a replacement that is more Hollywood glam, refined and sophisticated.

For now I have thrown together a little "wintertime" mantelscape using the two cute little snow owls I got from Sybills Saint James (the two Christmas decorations that didn't get put away), a winter print poster, a lantern, and some driftwood that I found down at the river this past summer.  I tucked in a little "snow" (cotton balls) and some glittery snowflakes for good measure.  Awwww!!!!

Sooooo cute!!!!

Did I ever tell you guys just how much I love having a mantel to decorate.  I do, I truly do and since Leo won't come out of hiding, this little snowy, wintry mantel should do until spring.  After that, well...we'll just play it by ear.

 Have a fabulous weekend.  I will be back Monday to show you my progress on the Master Bedroom redo. Ciao!

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