Monday, March 3, 2014


Good morning everyone!  How was your weekend? Mine was great!  Since we had a little bad weather around these parts and was shut in for part of the weekend, I was able to knock out a little project for the master bedroom.

I got out the sewing machine Saturday evening and went to town turning that King size duvet cover I found for $5.00 at Salvation Army last weekend into a queen size cover and two shams for my bed.

Now I know most of you probably already know what a duvet cover is but in case you don't, let me is basically a HUGE pillow case that slips over a comforter or duvet (which is basically a white comforter).  They usually have a button or tie closure at the bottom to keep the duvet from sliding back out. They come in a variety of colors, patterns and styles and are usually cheaper than buying a whole new comforter or bedding set, which is a BIG plus in my book.  In the warmer months when you want lighter covers you can take the comforter out and just use the duvet cover as your blanket.  Another plus is that they fold up easy and are compact making them easy to store when you want to switch things out. Unlike big bulky comforters, they are easy to simply throw them into the washer.

Anyway, my project didn't take very long at all.  I made a few cuts and sewed a few seams and was done! Everything turned out great! Well, except for when I went to take a few pictures of it...I was PHOTO BOMBED!!!...

Nuisance followed me upstairs on Sunday when I went up to take pictures and would not leave.  See her there on the bedside table?  She was in EVERY.SINGLE.PICTURE I took.

As much as I tried she would not move...Well, except to walk across the bed...

Then she had to come check out the camera too...

So now you can truly understand why her name is NUISANCE, can't you?

I edited her out of this one...hahaha Nuisance, you can't sabotage me!

So tell me, what do you think of my "new" duvet cover and shams?  Oh, and feel free to scroll back up to take a closer look at them, since you may have been paying too much attention to my little photo bomber to even notice the bedding.  LOL...

I think this beautiful gray and cream Toile looks soooooo much better in here than my other bedding, don't you? I think I might do a little mixing, matching and playing around with the bedding and maybe perhaps add a little animal print too to bring in some more pattern and color.  That's all still up in the air though.

Anyway, I have a long ways to go in this room but I'm super happy with how she's coming along.  

Have a fantastic week!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the color and pattern of your duvet cover! (I know what those are lol.) I found one at a second hand store awhile back. It's a deep red color. I am planning to use it in my master bedroom when I finally get the chance to redo that room. On your cat: that looks exactly like something my cats would do! Love the name! Cat's are so annoying most of the time so that is very appropriate I think! lol.


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