Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Dear friends, so sorry for my absence as of late.  I wish I could say that it is because I have been working on an incredible DIY project that would blow your mind, but that is not the case.  I did finally get started on priming and painting the kitchen cabinets, a job I had been DREADING, but that had to be put on hold.  I got them primed a week ago Friday and was half way through the first coat of paint Saturday morning when I received a call that my mother had suffered a massive stroke and was in the hospital.  I dropped the paint brush and immediately headed for Illinois.

Mom passed away on Wednesday, March 12, 2014.  We had her funeral yesterday, March 17, 2014.  I miss her terribly but I am comforted in knowing that she is in a better place and is safe in the arms of the Lord.  I guess that is the only thing that helps me to hold back the tears.

This is a hard post to write and I am not looking for sympathy.  I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that LIFE IS BUT A VAPOR and encourage you to call your mother today to tell her how much she means to you.

I hope to be back soon with those kitchen updates.  Until then, cherish the ones you love.

1 comment:

  1. we probably will never meet, but as one daughter to another, sending love and prayers - my mother is going to be 93 in a couple of months, and I needed your comments to remind me how short life really is - when I get annoyed or short on patience, God always pokes me in the ribs and says "did you hear that?"

    thanks, from Judy in Fort Worth


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