Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I had an old vintage tablecloth that I got for $1.00 a while back at a local thrift store. It must have been well loved and used for at least a thousand special occasions. It was time worn and thin...

I also had an old accent chair that I bought for $15.00 at Salvation Army several months back.  It has been patiently sitting in the master bedroom waiting for a little updating...

The chill in the air and the wind forced me to stay indoors last night, so...I got out that old tablecloth and that old chair; and well, the rest is history...

I cut that old vintage tablecloth apart...oh what a shame, you say...

I pinned and sewed a few seams...

I even had some of that old tablecloth leftover for future projects...

and in about an hour that old chair was sporting a beautiful new vintage slipcover...

It turned out soooooo lovely!  It's too bad I can only give you a small peek today.  The one thing I didn't have was daylight or time to take proper pictures but...I will be back later in the week to show you all the pretty details.

Until then, have a fabulous day!  Ciao

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