Friday, May 2, 2014


Happy end of the week to everyone!  Yay, I'm so glad it's Friday, aren't you?

Today is a happy day for me.  I get to see my little girl receive her Certified Nurses Aid certificate that she has worked so hard for this year at a little ceremony in Rolla tonight.  She hasn't even graduated high school yet (that's in two weeks! My oh my, where has the time gone?) and she is already a certified nurses aid.  I am so very, very  proud of her! Sorry, can't help but brag a little.  That's a momma's job you know!

Anyway, let's move on to something that's not nearly as important as my girl growing up...a pretty little sitting area in the master bedroom.

As you know, earlier this week on a night that was too chilly to work outside, I got out an old vintage tablecloth and made a slipcover for an old accent chair that needed updating.  It only took about an hour and though my sewing job is NOT perfect, it turned out so beautiful.  I showed you a little snippet of it the other day but I ran out of enough daylight to get any good pictures. So I'm back today, as promised, with a good look at it...(Well, I can't say the pictures are very good as I am no photographer and I still didn't have very good light as we have had some very dreary days here in Missouri this week, but it is what it is)...

Looks pretty good, doesn't it.  I think the ruffle if my favorite part...or it could be the barely there pattern in the fabric.  Not sure, I simply love the whole thing.  It's gorgeous and the fit, perfect!

Now if you know me, you know I couldn't just slide the chair back into the corner of the room without adding a little something something to pretty it up even more, so I made a little sitting area...

I got out a little brass table that I have had for years from the attic (because brass is all the rage again) and in the spirit of springtime, topped it with a vase of freshly harvested bridal wreath spirea and lovely bird figurines.  Of course I added a few books just because no sitting area is complete without a little reading material.  For grins I stole one of the leopard print pillows off the sofa just to see how a little leopard might look in here.  Lovely, don't you think?

Unfortunately the leopard had to make his way back to the sofa so I replaced him with a portrait of the kids for now...

at least until I can find (or make) a new throw pillow to go here.  I'm thinking something in the coral color for summer.

So, what do you think about my new slipcover and my little sitting area?  Do you like?  That corner sure looks a LOT better than it used to, doesn't it?

What a transformation!!!  Somehow I don't think this will be the last slipcover I make around here.  Hahaha.

Have a fabulous, relaxing and beautiful springtime weekend!!!!! Ciao.

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