Monday, March 16, 2015


With the exception of a couple more coats of sealer, the farmhouse table is done. YAY!!

I figured I would give you a little sneak peek until I get a chance to get some good shots of it.  I had plenty of sunshine yesterday for taking good pics but because I had to get ready for our evening church service shortly after getting it finished I ran out of time for picture taking.  However, I think from the few I did get, you can see how nice it turned out.

The finish turned out a little darker than I had hoped.  I was going for a light weathered wood look, perhaps a driftwood appearance and this turned out quite a bit darker than I was expecting, however, I am still tickled with it. I absolutely LOVE it!

I hope to be back later in the week with some GOOD overall shots of the room. I will also try to give you all the details of how I built the table, what things worked and what things I would change about the building plans I used.

I will also give you a good look at the finished chairs, that is if my photography skills...or lack thereof, don't betray me.

Now all I have left to do in order to finish the dining room redo is paint the china cabinet, procure some new wall art and buy a few accessories. It's all coming together now and I can't wait to see the finished room.  I just know it's going to be gorgeous.

Well until we meet again, have a fabulous life and enjoy the warm spring weather, wherever you are!

PS...This post was featured at From My Front Porch To Yours and Common Ground...go check it out!


Linking up to these parties:

No Minimalist Here...Share Your Style
Imparting Grace...Grace at Home
From My Front Porch to Yours
Cedar Hill Farmhouse...The Scoop


  1. Beautiful! What a gorgeous table!!

  2. your table is fabulous, and I love how the room is coming together!! thanks for joining in on the party!

    1. I'll be featuring your table on my blog for SYS, Wednesday Evening, thanks, Sheila!

  3. It looks wonderful! I can not wait to see the room completed. Thank you for partying at THT!

  4. This is over the top gorgeous - what an amazing job you did on this ( you made it yourself? )
    Thanks for sharing - I'm off to pin this beauty !


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