Friday, March 13, 2015


It's Friday, YAY!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. It's going to be cloudy and rainy all weekend here in my neck of the woods so I will pretty much be working indoors all weekend long. I hope it's looking better weather wise wherever you are!

Anyway, since I will be hanging out indoors I hope get my Farmhouse table finished.

We got the top put together last night.

It's not attached to the frame yet we just laid it on top to see how it was going to work.  I LOVE IT!

It wasn't as difficult to get the top together as I thought it might be but we still faced some challenges. A couple of the boards were a tad bit warped. Not bad and nothing we couldn't work with, it just made things a little more difficult.

We chose the best boards we could find at Lowes and they worked out okay. We knew going into this project that we would probably deal with this sort of thing because unless you buy very expensive furniture grade materials warping is just something you can't avoid.  Of course this is meant to be a rustic farmhouse table so perfection is not necessary, right?

The big 4' pole clamps the hubs recently purchased off a local yardsale site helped a bunch in this area.  As a matter of fact we couldn't have done the job without them.

We also would not have wanted to build this table without our new Kreg pocket hole jig and clamp. I can say without a doubt that I will NOT be building anything, EVER, without it!!

I have already been imagining the cool projects I can use this tool on.  

It was super easy to use and made assembly a breeze.

All the joints on my table are SUPER strong too.  I LOVE this tool!!!

By the way and in case you are interested in building a table like this for yourself, I used THIS free plan from Her site has a million and one free plans for all sorts of furniture and things and they all include a material list and cut list.  There is also a plan for a table like mine that doesn't require the use of a pocket hole jig in case you don't want to spend the extra money for that tool...though I would suggest getting the jig. It made this job SOOOO much easier!

Now all I have left to do is give the entire table a good sanding and then it will be ready to stain and seal.

I want to do the sanding, staining and sealing...AND take it upstairs before we permanently attach the top. This thing is a beast. The top itself feels like it weighs 100 pounds...OR I think trying to carry it upstairs all in one piece is completely out of the question. LOL!!

I can't wait to get her finished and get her in her place in the dining room alongside the chairs I just made over.  I just know they will be a match made in dining room heaven.

After that I can get started on giving the china hutch a little makeover; though, I might take a week or two off before I tackle that project.  I'm pretty wore out after doing the chairs and table back to back, if you know what I mean. I don't want to take too much time off though because I do want to eventually get this dining room makeover finished and that's the last BIG project on the list. Once that's done it's smooth sailing with just a few small projects and accessorizing. Yippee!!

Well, have a FABULOUS weekend and please make sure you stop back by here next week to see the finished results of the Farmhouse table and the dining chair makeover.


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