Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I am so happy to inform you all that the bathroom remodel is FINALLY done...FINITO, finished.  Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!

What started out as what I thought would be a somewhat easy, small, weekend (or two) project has taken several months to complete...

My nemesis, the mint green bathroom, has been on my HIT list since the day we bought our little green is NOT my favorite this little project started with just a fresh coat of white paint on the cabinets, window pane and door, however it quickly turned into a full remodel when I discovered problems with a leaky toilet and loose floor tiles...I will spare you from reading all the gorey details and take you through a little pictorial starting with the REVEAL first...

I had trouble getting a BIG picture of the overall room because this bathroom is sooooo is only 4 ft. wide by 6 ft. deep...(can something that small be considered a room...or maybe we should call it a water CLOSET)...LOL!!!

Now onto the before shots...

 Besides the toilet and sink, every square inch of this bathroom was green...YUCK!!!...Now let's start this remodel process...

 Stripping the cabinets...

Getting a fresh coat of paint...

Removing FIRST layer of flooring...

 ...and SECOND layer of flooring...

whew, was that a job!!...that was in JULY...and then I waited and waited and WAITED for the hubs to take out the toilet and sink so we could do the rest...he waited until TWO WEEKS before Christmas and on the spur of the moment decided to take the toilet and sink out...I came home from work to this...

Yuuuuuucccckkk...this was TWO WEEKS before Christmas...WHAT WAS HE THINKING?

So the process the race to get everything done before Christmas was on...and I'm glad to report that we made it...IN THE NICK OF's the process...

 Old tile wall removed and new wall going up...sorry for the quality and lighting of pics...this was all done in the evening or night time hours...

Ahhh, starting to look wall in, wallpaper up, $4.00 brushed nickel thrift store light fixture in and new flooring installed...

Board and battan done and now we are ready for the toilet and sink to go in...hmmm, we could've had this done WAAAAY back in July had the hubs not waited until December to tackle this...what can I say, he's a procrastinator...LOL.

Ahhhh, bathroom LOVE!!!

The BEFORE and AFTER of it all...

I am SOOO glad to be finished with this remodel and am thoroughly enjoying my new bathroom...

Breakdown of costs:

Wood for back wall and board and battan-$60.00
Flooring tile, adhesive & grout-$55.00
Wallpaper-$20.00 (Spanish Tile Pattern) at Lowes
Vanity-$260.00 at Lowes (came with marble sink top)
Faucet (brushed nickel)-$28.00 Lowes
Plumbing necessities (needed some new pipes and fittings)--$50.00
Light fixture-$4.00 (thrift store find)
Halogen light bulbs-$18.00 (I thought the light fixture was a bargain but all three bulbs were blown)
Roman shade-$3.00 GW (just so happened to be the perfect size...Yeah!)
Mirror-$15.00 at local wholesale company

TOTAL:  $553.00 (approx.)

Won't you join me as I share this at:

Metamorphasis Monday @ BNOTP
Rock N Share @ The Shady Porch
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Show & Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Show & Tell @ Mrs. Hines Class


Thursday, December 22, 2011


There is no more wonderful time of year than the Christmas season.  It's a magical time...a MERRY time...a blessed time...but also a very BUSY often we are caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season that we forget the reason we even have this special season to celebrate...

Though thoughts of that mystical little fella, Santa and jolly little elves bring cheer...we must not forget WHO made Christmas possible...

No it's not's this precious little fella...

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
and the government shall be upon his shoulder:
and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,
The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
(Isaiah 9:6)

And she shall bring forth a son,
and thou shalt call his name JESUS:
for he shall save his people from their sins.
(Matthew 1:21)

For unto you is born this day
in the city of David a Saviour,
which is Christ the Lord.
(Luke 2:11)

Don't forget...


Won't you take some time today to celebrate our wonderful Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

I wish you ALL the happiest and most blessed holiday season and a very Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Happy Holidays everybody...are you all ready for Christmas yet or are you like me and still have a bazillion things left to do?...I still have to wrap EVERYTHING...I haven't baked one single thing yet, nor have I gotten around to setting up my Christmas tablescape or cleaning the house from top to bottom...I guess you will be reading about those endeavors AFTER Christmas...LOL...

Want to know the reason that I haven't gotten any of that stuff done?...well, it's because my husband FINALLY decided it was time to tackle finish our bathroom remodel...remember this GREEN monster?...

Yes I know,  oooooooooooh gross...every square inch of this bathroom was mint green...and NASTY...that's what you get when you buy a 70 year old home that hasn't been updated since the 50's!!!

I started a remodel on this WAAAAAAAY back in July...I ripped out not one but TWO layers of tile flooring and gave the cabinets and woodwork a fresh coat of white can read all about that HERE and HERE...

I have been WAITING ever since for my husband to take out the toilet and sink so we I could finish this project....he waited until two weeks before Christmas to do this...GO FIGURE...anyway we are making some serious flooring has been layed, wallpaper has been hung and board and battan has been installed...Our progress this far...

This bathroom will be finished by Christmas...NOTHING ELSE will be done but by golly this bathroom will be finished!!! LOL...The final reveal coming soon...STAY TUNED!

Sharing at The Shady Porch (Rock N Share) and at Hating Martha (Perfectly You)



I would like to thank D over at The Shady Porch for giving me a Liebster Award...D offers a great weekly linky party...Rock N Share...It's a hoot...stop on by and share some of your projects.

Liebster is the german word for FRIEND or LOVE...isn't that sweet...I am so thrilled to have been considered for this award!!  Thanks again D!!!!!

This award is meant to give a big SHOUT OUT to new up & coming blogs...blogs with fewer than 200 followers...This is a pay-it-forward type of award...if you have been selected to receive this award here's what you gotta do...
  • Choose 5 up&coming blogs of fewer than 200 followers to award the Liebster to;
  • Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them (it might be good to become a follower of theirs too; hint, hint);
  • Post the award on your blog.  Be sure to put a link back to the blogs you have give the Liebster to so everyone else can pay them a visit.
That's it...I am passing along this coveted award to:

These are some really AWESOME new blogs...stop by and take a look for yourself...if you like what you see how about giving some love and becoming a FOLLOWER.

 ~Happy Holidays~

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

O Christmas Tree...

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How hard you've been to photograph...

Whew, I tell you I have tried and tried to take a GOOD picture of my tree this year...but the lighting has been HORRIBLE with the rainy, dreary days we've been having and I am just not equipped with a fancy camera which makes it even this is the best picture I have managed to get of my Tartan tree...this was before it was completely finished....I have added some more ornaments and things to fill it in some.  

I LOVE the TARTAN ribbon!!!...

I decided to do something a little lot more whimsical to the tree in the dining room...we (the little one and I) made homemade "ornaments" out of chenille sticks in the traditional red, white and green colors...

No luck getting a good photo of this tree either, lol.

I have added some more ornaments and a large bow to the tree topper...this tree sits on top the buffet and is accompanied by an arrangement of glass jars filled with ornaments and candies...

I'm not so sure putting all this candy in reach of the kids was a good idea...every time they walk by the buffet they help themselves to a piece or TWO...I have had the refill these jars a few times...Don't worry though, I am making sure they brush their teeth good before bedtime, lol.

Happy Holidays!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I have a little secret to share with you, I am just not fond of wreaths, for holidays or otherwise.  I used to hang a wreath on my door every year for Christmas because it was the "normal" thing to do.  Then a few years ago I found this inspiration pic and knew that this was the greeting I wanted for my holiday door. 

Sorry I do not know the source of this picture
although I believe it is from Country Living.

I set out to find some cable knit mittens but I just couldn't find any white ones...I did however find some red ones at a thrift store down the street from the office and decided they would be perfect for my little copycat holiday greeting...

I added some "Merry Christmas" ribbon and tucked in a variety of greens, small white flowers and some red berries...I love how this little greeting turned out, don't you?....I know it's a little more whimsical than my inspiration pic, but I absolutely adore this and it is just perfect for my holiday door. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I teach the preteen girls Sunday school class at church.  Each year I try to give my students something "special" for Christmas.  Two years ago I decided to try my hand at making a "special" homemade STOCKING for each of the girls in class....I had decided that I wanted the stockings to be fun and; of course, GIRLY...while going through my Christmas decor the other day I stumbled across the one I made for my daughter and it brought a smile to my face...I just had to share it with you all...

Okay, I know stockings come in all shapes and sizes but usually not a HIGH HEEL BOOT...he this the cutest thing you have ever seen, or what?...I wonder if my girls have stumbled across theirs yet this year...

Everyone loved these "stockings"....I even had several requests for all I made about 10....several large ones like this and a few "smaller" 7 inch ones for the girls at work...(I simply used my copier at work to downsize the pattern)...of course I filled them with candy and small trinkets...I had the most fun making these and it was really easy...

If you would like to make your will need:

1/2 yard red felt
1/4 yard zebra stripe fleece
1 high heel boot pattern (I made my own from a brown paper bag)

(depending on the size of your pattern and if you lay it on your fabric just right you should be able to get two complete stockings out of this amount of fabric)

I pinned the pattern onto the felt which had been folded in half lengthwise and cut it out...this gives you the front and back of one this together on the outer edge leaving the top open....cut a "cuff" out of the fleece and sew in place...turn the stocking right side high-heeled stocking!!!

Now I just gotta figure out what to do for my girls this year...any ideas?

Don't forget about the Holiday Blog Parties going on in the next few weeks...stop by each of these fabulous blogs and check things out...


I will be joining some of these and several other parties (check my sidebar for a listing)...COME MINGLE!!!