Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Well, Happy Holidays everyone!...I spy all over blogland that everyone is busy, busy, busy styling, shopping, wrapping and all those wonderful holiday things...I too have been busy, busy getting the house ready for my holiday guests...I think I'm almost done...well, at least with the decorating...

I am so EXCITED about my Christmas decor this year...in the past I have steered clear of the traditional red and green though I do love it so...but for some reason this year, I just had to have it...and TARTAN was the theme I wanted...it took some doing to find the ribbon and when I did, I could only find a little....but enough to make do...today how about a little peak...

ahhhhh, don't ya just love PLAID...so classic, so versatile...so CHRISTMAS...I will show you the whole tree as soon as it's done...I'm looking for a new topper...

Now onto the MANTEL...Of course, I had to use plaid on the mantel too...My large lion picture has been wrapped in plaid Christmas paper and sports a BIG red bow...the garland also sports a big TARTAN bow and a few velvety poinsettas...

The little "ICE TREES" play Christmas carols and light up...they go from red to green, blue, magenta, purple, all the colors of the rainbow...They are sooooo BEAUTIFUL and I just love them...

Here they are gearing up for "green"...did I say, I LOVE these trees?...

I got them last year at Big Lots for $15.00 for the 3-piece set...they have them again this year in case you would like some.   They are actually for the yard but I adapted them for the mantle...I took the stakes off the bottoms and propped them in clear plastic disposable cups so they would sip upright...of course the cups are hidden inside of all that lovely pine garland....perfect don't ya think?

See ya soon with all the other little CHRISTMASY details...PROMISE!!!  Have a wonderful day!

Monday, November 28, 2011


Sadly, I only have a few pictures of last year's Christmas, and those were only of the tree and mantle in the living room...You are getting to see the "best" shot...(pre-blogging days here, not a very good photographer)

I shouldv'e taken pictures of the dining room tree(s) and decorations.  They were gorgeous...White lights...gold and white decorations...elegant and dreamy...but no I only got a picture of the main tree in it's not so great glory...

Now, my husband insisted on colored lights...as he does just about every year...so being the loving wife I always am, I let him have his way...but, we had a problem...notice the unlit spot on the lower left...yep, half strand of lights went out a few days after putting this baby up...what, that's never happened to you?...and I was NOT going to take it apart for just a few lights and so there you have it....Christmas past...

I promise this year is better as I have changed things up a bit...stop back by later this week for a full run down of Christmas 2011...

Thursday, November 24, 2011


T’was the night of Thanksgiving,
But I just couldn’t sleep.
I tried counting backwards,
I tried counting sheep.

The leftovers beckoned,
The dark meat and white.
But I fought the temptation,
With all of my might.

Tossing and turning,
with anticipation.
The thought of a snack
became infatuation.

So I raced to the kitchen,
Flung open the door,
And gazed at the fridge,
Full of goodies galore.

I gobbled up turkey,
And buttered potatoes,
Pickles and carrots,
Beans and tomatoes.
I felt myself swelling,
So plump and so round.
‘til all of a sudden,
I rose off the ground.

I crashed through the ceiling,
Floating into the sky,
With a mouthful of pudding,
And a handful of pie.

But I managed to yell
As I soared past the trees
Happy eating to all,
Pass the cranberries, please!!

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump.
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.

May your yams be delicious,
May your pies take the prize
And May your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off of your thighs!

Happy Thanksgiving y'all
have a wonderful holiday weekend!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Hello everyone...WOW, I am so excited to let you in on my little secret.  A month or so ago I started a new blog...FAITH IN ACTION...it's my new faith based blog that features devotionals, bible studies, ladies meeting ideas and Spirit inspired Sunday school lessons.

While I have been totally EXCITED to share this little bit of news with you...I have also been somewhat AFRAID.  Why, you might ask?  Well, there are some folks out there who are just not very receptive of Christianity or anything faith-based, and to publicly announce the launch of my new blog could mean that I would have fewer followers and readers here at Beyond the Portico.  I truly hope that doesn't happen.

I simply just want to share that side of my life with whoever is interested.  Like most of the readers here at Beyond the Portico, there are many areas of my life that go beyond the scope of my house and my love of decorating.  One of them, and the most important for me, is my relationship with God, and what better way to share that relationship with others than by blogging about it. 

While my views on God, his Word and Christianity may not be yours, I would love for you to stop by Faith in Action and read some of the posts.  I believe you will find some things you like and chances are there will be some things you don't like, and that's fine.  The comment line is always open and I would love to hear from you, I just ask that you be nice.  Like yours, my beliefs are not up for debate, scrutiny or argument.  They are what they are, I am just simply sharing.

As with every blog, Faith in Action is still a WORK IN PROGRESS....Some of the links on the "Ladies Meeting Ideas" page and the "Sunday School Lessons" page have not yet been activated, but they will be up and running soon.  However, there are plenty of links on both of those pages available for you to enjoy.  There are also a few devotionals and an online bible study ready that you might be interested in. 

I cordially invite you to stop by and take a look...you might be interested in my newest post entitled...THE LOST HOLIDAY...

To visit Faith in Action, simply click the link on my sidebar or the butterfly below...Thank you and ENJOY!!!

To get the word out, I am linking this post to the following parties....Be kind, stop by and check out these beautiful blogs and some of the other party goers.  Mingle a little and leave lots of comments...

WUW @ Savvy Southern Style
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Thrifty Things Friday @ The Thrifty Groove
Tablescape Thursday @ BNOTP
Rock 'N Share @ The Shady Porch

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


You may remember that a few months ago I started a major redo on my master bedroom...as I said, all the pink, flowers and vintage linens were all wrong for me...so I started my redo by painting and adding a little animal print to the mix...you can read all about that HERE and HERE...I still have plenty left to do before a final reveal but I have been doing a little fluffing that I wanted to show you...

A dresser vignette...

I was glad the pink was gone, but I still wanted somewhat of a feminine feel here...I used this black & white photo of my children because it just worked well with the mood and color scheme of the room...then I was on the hunt for something to go along with it...something feminine...I found the leopard print hat at a thrift store and knew it would be just perfect...it ties in with the leopard print sheets and draperies, but there was still something missing...you know, I always use the "odd numbers" rule in my decorating...and this vignette still needed one more thing...BUT WHAT?

I thought, and I thought, and I thought some more and then....BAM....I was sitting at work one day and a light bulb came on in my head...a BRIGHT light bulb....I said (to myself of course), how about a HUGE bottle of perfume...Yes, that would be PERFECT....nothing says feminine and romantic more than perfume...but my NEXT questions was...where do I FIND this huge bottle of perfume?...

I remembered as a teenager strolling through Famous Barr (now Macy's) at the mall and how I loved those huge bottles of perfume on display at their cosmetic counter...so I went online to see what I could find...HURRAY, I found some...they are called "FACTICES"  meaning faux...but they are VERY pricey (hundreds to thousands of dollars each)...who would've thought...just for a big bottle with colored water and a perfume label...you are KIDDING me, right!!!...

Well, never mind them...I am RESOURCEFUL...so, I made my own...

I found the large bottle at a thrift store for a few dollars...I filled it with colored water and added my own computer generated Chanel No.5 label...Ha, I LOVE it...

I made a black label and a white label...Chanel is usually white...I kind of like the black here but I will probably be changing it out for the white one...you know so it looks more like the real thing...for now, I am loving my new vignette...I think it's just the right amount of feminine...not too froo froo...'cause my husband has to sleep in this room too, ya know...

So tell me, what do you think about my little vignette and my homemade "factice".  Do you like it?

I am sharing this at some fabulous parties...stop by for a look at what everyone has been up to...

Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Rock N Share @ A Shady Porch
Primp your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
Thrifty Things Friday @ The Thrifty Groove
Show Your Creations @ Kristen's Creations


Monday, November 7, 2011


Huh?...We don't have a library...

Ever since I can remember my husband and I have dreamed of a home with a real "LIBRARY".  We have had homes with rooms that could have served as a library but opted to use those rooms as either guest bedrooms or computer/craft rooms...You know sometimes FUNCTION comes before wishes...however, one of the things we fell in love with in this little old house we bought last year was the BUILT IN bookshelves off one end of the living room, and so we now have the "library" we have always wanted...well, sort of...

To celebrate, I have set a table for two in the "library"...won't you join me...

Nothing says library better than dark woods, rich fabrics and; of course, books...I found this beautiful antique drum table last fall at a local antique shop for just $50.00...it is beautifully detailed with real brass feet and hardware (not shown)...I topped this beautiful table with a leopard print scarf, a few books, lamp and clock...I think this makes the perfect library setting...don't you?

I have used vintage frosted stemware and vintage cream and gold dinner and dessert plates at each place...These plates boast golden snowflakes (or at least what I believe to be snowflakes)...and are from the 1950's...

...very RETRO yet sophistocated in my opinion...

A vintage silver fork was tucked gently into a crisp white battenburg lace napkin, tied with gold ribbon and simply placed on top of the dinnerware...not necessarily a formal setting, but very elegant...

No table is complete without a little candlelight...

I saved one picture for last...actually I wasn't going to include this picture because it looks kind of CREEPY instead of romantic...but what the hey...CLUE was one of my favorite board games growing up so I just had to share it...as this picture says....Muhahaha...Colonel Muster did it in the "LIBRARY"

Well, thanks for joining me for DINNER IN THE LIBRARY...

I am joining some fabulous parties again this week...stop on by for a look, leave lots of comments, make friends and become a follower...

Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Tablescape Thursday @ BNOTP
Rock N Share @ The Shady Porch
Primp your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


by:  Lynne Adams

Autumn Leaves
Bright and vibrant

Warm sun and bright blue sky
Chilly Breezes blow

Golden Leaves from Heaven fall
to ride the wind and swirl around

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Brown
Colors of Beauty slowly come down

A symphony of Autumns Gifts sing
From God with Love to You and Me

Hi everyone,  I have missed you all so very much.  It's been a little while since I have had a chance to do any posting here at Beyond the Portico, but I haven't forgotten about you all...while I've been busy planning my little ones birthday party, attending a ladies retreat and seminar in Branson, Missouri and enjoying festivities at my church's annual fall festival...I did manage to put together a little tablescape for your enjoyment. 

I found these beautiful dinner and salad plates a few months back at GW for $5.00...I absolutely love them and I just knew they would work perfectly for this AUTUMN SPLENDOR table...

Don't you just love the colors and design...

...for the centerpiece I used a large basket of faux fall leaves and a few mini pumpkins, flanked by red and orange mosiac candle sticks....

...to carry the leaf theme throughout the table, I topped each plate with a hand inscribed paper leaf doily place card...

I also used a paper leaf doily as a coaster under each "leafy" goblet...these doilies were very inexpensive and I think give the table a finished look.  I took a ton of pictures so I will stop talking and let you enjoy.

I am really loving how this table turned out...how about you?...

and now a little golden glow...


I'm joining some fabulous parties this week...stop by and have a look, I promise you won't be disappointed.

Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Tablescape Thursday @ BNOTP
Thrifty Things Friday @ The Thrifty Groove