Friday, January 31, 2014


Hey, Hey, how is everyone this fine January morning?  I can hardly believe that the first month of the year is already coming to a close.  Whew, time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it?   At least it does for me! I'm happy to say though that I have been getting some things accomplished.

Transforming the master bedroom was top on my bucket list for the new year and I am happy to say that things in there are progressing along.  I started off the year with painting the walls a nice fresh new color...Pebble Cinder Gray (which I love).  I then got busy painting the doors, window trim and baseboards a clean, bright white.

Today...well, last night...I made the bed...

The duvet cover and shams in the Milano design, gray colorway, are from The fabric resembles one of my favorite's...Portfolio's Latika Limestone...which runs about $30.00 a yard.  With my Overstock rewards and 10% off coupon I got the entire set for under the price of one yard of fabric...$28.00 to be exact.  I love it when I find things I want at bargain basement prices, don't you?

I had been looking for a good set of white sheets but have not found any on sale at a price I want to pay so I bought a mismatched set at one of the local resale shops for just a few dollars.  Now I know you might frown at using thrift store linens (especially bedding) but if they are washed good in hot water before you use them they should be okay.

After making the bed I thought the bedding looked a little darker than what I wanted so I was planning on using some Rit Color Remover to slightly fade it. They are 100% cotton so they should fade without problem.  However, after looking at these pictures I think it looks pretty good as is, so the fading may or may not take place.  We'll see!

Did you notice the different lampshade?  It's not actually different.  It's the same shade, only painted...yes, I painted a lampshade.  Crazy!!!, I know.  I still have one more coat to go and a whole other shade from the lamp on the other bedside table.

I knew when I bought these lamps that I would either be painting or replacing the shades.  You might ask why I even bought them if I didn't like the shades.  Here's the answer...the lamps were on clearance at Lowes for $10.00 each.  I loved the size and style of the lamp and shades I just didn't like the design on the shades, but for $10.00 I couldn't pass them up.  I figured if the paint didn't work I would just go ahead and buy some inexpensive shades...

Like I said, I have one more coat to go but I think the paint is going to work.  I hope to get the both of them done this weekend.

Let's take one more last look at how this room is shaping up...

Well, I have lots more to do...finish the lamps, find or make some throw pillows, curtains, rug, a little something for the walls, and I have some plans to change up the bed a little, but I am loving everything so far. What do you think, do you like it?  Do you have any thoughts, opinions, advise or expertise about fading the bedding or painting lamp shades?  If so, I would love to hear from you.

Have a GREAT weekend!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Happy day everyone!!!

Whew, am I ever glad to finally have the windows, doors and baseboards in the master bedroom painted. Painting trim is sooooooo incredibly tedious so I am super duper thrilled to finally have this job DONE. It took several coats to cover all that turquoise, but now it's all nice, fresh and WHITE...YAY!!!

Did you notice I rearranged the furniture?

Previously the bed was in front of the window but that made it really difficult to paint in that area so I decided to rearrange the furniture just until the painting was done.  However, I kind of like it this way so it may stay like this, at least for a while.  The hubs is not very fond of this arrangement so we shall see but I think he'll like it once he gets used to it.

Truthfully, no matter how the furniture is arranged, I am really starting to love this room.  I love the new color (Cinder Pebble Gray by Colorplace paints) and the fresh white trim.  It's peaceful and serene now which is what a bedroom should be.

Now let's take a little look at where this room started to where it is now...

LOTS BETTER!!!!!  This just goes to prove that a little paint can make a BIG difference!

Now that I am done painting I can get the new bedding out.  I hope to do that later this week.  I will give you a bird's eye view and all the details then.  I think you will be surprised at just how little I paid for everything.

Until then, have a fabulous week!!!

Friday, January 24, 2014


Good day everyone!  It's almost the weekend.  YAY!!!

Before I head home for the weekend let's talk NAIL HEAD TRIM, a new kind of nail head trim.  Well it's not actually nail heads but it is trim and it is perfect for a little nail head trim project I have in mind.

I found this cute Christmas garland today at Dollar General on clearance for just $.25 ea.

At first glance I passed it by because I really don't use this type of Christmas garland but then my little brain said to itself, "Hey that looks like nail head trim.  You could so make something out of that!" so I stopped dead in my tracks and grabbed all they had left (2 pkgs.).  So for $.50 I got 8 foot of "nail head trim".  Just so you know, I will be haunting all the other DG's in the area later this weekend to grab all theirs too, mmwahahaha.  Why? Because I CAN love nail head trim.

Besides I spotted these lovely coral colored boxes with a nail head design, that I absolutely j'adore, at Zgallerie the other day and I totally WANT them!

They would be perfect for my living room, but I am NOT willing to pay the price for them ($69.95). Ridiculous!! So I think a copycat project is in order.

I was thinking about doing a copy cat as soon as I spotted these but I got to thinking that poking lots of little nail heads into thin cardboard boxes would not be the greatest of ideas.  The inside of the box would have little prickly points sticking out EVERYWHERE making them a little unsafe to use.  Not Good!!  The Christmas trim I found will work perfect.  I can just glue each "nail head" in place and there will be no danger of being poked.

PS.  Just in case your interested, DG has all their left over Christmas stuff on clearance for $.25 right now.   You might want to stop by your local store this weekend. You never know, you might find something awesome if you think outside the box a little.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Happy Thursday Y'all!  Just a quick post here to share a cute little photo of our kitty, Nuisance.

Nuisance, though we rarely ever feed her table scraps, stalks the dinner table every evening waiting for a compassionate soul to spare her a tiny morsel of vittles.  Most times she is ignored but last night she was desperate to get out attention.  Shortly after we sat down to dinner she decided that she would be better noticed if she got on top of the china closet...She jumped up there and then sat down in my bread basket...

Can you see why her name is so fitting?...She is a real pest that Nuisance, but we love her soooooo much...

Problem is after doing all that work to try and get a little bite, she didn't get a single thing.  The hubs scolded her and she went and laid down.   Poor Nuisance, dad's just an ol' meanie!  I mean, who could possibly deny that cute little face?  I guess the hubs, that's who!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


You don't have to lurch around blogland too long to discover what is trending in the design world these days. As a matter of fact, it seems as if there is a competition among bloggers to see who can be trendiest.  Who can buy the best and most of everything that's "IN" right now or to DIY  everything that is too expensive.  They are all in a trend frenzy.

The truth is...I like the newer styles and the current trends and would like to be "up-to-date" as well but the bad thing about trends is that if you follow them at all or try to keep up, you can end up spending a TON of money for things that are short lived (even on DIY projects).  Most of them are here today and gone tomorrow and most people just don't have the money it takes to keep up, including me.  Now I will say that some of the current furniture styles, fabric patterns and color ways are somewhat classic and will probably stick around for a little while so they may be worth the investment, but an "investment" they are because everything has become so ridiculously expensive.

Most bloggers are getting their trendy fare from places like Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, Joss and Main, Horchow and other places whose prices are WAY out of the average persons budget.  Can I be honest, I simply cannot afford to shop those places and neither can any of my for me, keeping up with the trendy blogging Jones' is impossible.  Not to mention, I live in a remote area where even the cheaper trendy stores like Homegoods, Ross and Ikea do not exist....UNTIL NOW...

I do have GREAT news today for all of us who have a small budget but want to get a little trendy.  Wal-Mart and Big Lots are now carrying some SUPER CUTE, SUPER TRENDY furniture and accessories at SUPER CHEAP prices!  Yes, you heard me right.  Now trendy is available to EVERYBODY.  No matter what your budget or where you live...(even the boonies has a Wal-Mart store).

The hubs and I snuck away for a few hours last night and perused the aisles at our nearest Big Lots and Wal-mart.  I was so excited about some of things I was seeing.

Upholstered headboards at Big Lots...on the cheap...

Linen Nailhead
headboard $249.99
Grey Upholstered
headboard $169.99
Button tufted
headboard $199.99

Although I did not snap any pictures while at the store (these are from their website HERE) I can tell you that these were top notch products.  I especially love the Linen Nailhead headboard.  It was totally gorgeous in person and less than half the price I have seen at Pottery Barn and even Joss and Main.

They also have lots of cute accent chairs, chests and console tables.  I especially liked this little cutie...

Teal Circle Mirror Chest $299.99

As you know Big Lots also carries would you like a trendy one like this...

an 8'x10' for only $89.99!  Now that is unheard of...period. You just can't find a rug that size ANYWHERE for under $100.00.  Sizes, colors and patterns vary by store...(they didn't have this one in my store or I would've snatched it up!) so you may have to go to more than one Big Lots to find exactly what you are looking for.

I also spotted a cute little shelving system there that is similar to Ikea's ever popular Expedit...

Now it is somewhat smaller than Expedit but at only $39.99 you can afford to buy more than one if you need to.  I like the smaller size because it is great for a kids room, craft room or for someone who lives in a smaller house like I do.  Not to mention it's super cute!

Wal-Mart is getting trendy too!  They have tons of cute throw pillows, poufs, ottomans and accessories in today's modern colors and patterns...

but you may not see a lot of them at your local Wal-Mart store.  Wal-Mart carries thousands of items that are NOT sold in their stores.  You have to go online to find them but they are all at great prices.  One of my favorite items (which I did see at the store) is this super cute rustic/industrial style media cabinet...

Wal-Mart $179.00
Kind of reminds you of something from Restoration Hardware doesn't it?  They have matching side tables and coffee table as well.  You can get all three pieces for $339.00.  What a bargain!

They also have some super cute sofas, loveseats and sectionals at very reasonable prices.  I really like this Vienna tan linen sofa sleeper for $229.00....(This picture is a little blurry.  To see it better check it out online HERE)...
I was pretty impressed with the quality as well.  I saw one like this only in a different color and it was pretty good.  I would definitely buy this for my daughters apartment when and if she decides to move out after she graduates.  It's great starter furniture and very much on trend.

They are also carrying lots of upholstered headboards...

Grayson Linen full/queen headboard $149.00

Once again sorry for the quality of the picture but you can check this one and others out online too.

Wal-Mart has a small Expedit type shelving unit too for $39.88...

Sorry this post is so long but I just wanted to share what I found at these two stores.  It's great (and EXCITING) to be able to find trendy things at affordable prices and at stores that everyone has access to.  I thought that some of you might appreciate this information especially if you are dying to be trendy but are on as tight a budget as I am. Now it's EASY to keep up with the blogging Jones'!  Hahaha.

Have a great day and if you get the chance check out your local Big Lots and Wal-Mart.  You never know what great deal you might find!  Ciao...

Friday, January 17, 2014


Happy weekend everyone!!!!  I am so glad it's almost QUITTING time.  You too?  However, I just couldn't leave for the weekend without leaving a little something for you.

As you all know I have several MANY projects on my to do list this year.  As you also know I started the new year off working on the master bedroom.  I got the walls painted and wellllll...that's pretty much it. Once again I have switched gears and my focus is now on the living room.  I swear it's my OCD rearing it's ugly head again LOL.

Anyway, as I mentioned in my last post relating to my living room (the one showing my new furniture and Winter Mantel HERE)...I have some changes in mind for this being to add some color and texture to it, among other things.  So, I put together a little Olioboard design board to kind of get my thoughts and plans for this room all in one place.  Here it is...

What do you think?

Coral/Salmon is one of my all time favorite colors and I thought it would be the perfect accent color for my living room.  Which looks like this at the moment....

I think the pillows on the design board would be perfect sofa pillows for me, don't you.  They are made with P. Kaufmann fabric "Slick" in Coral.  Not only is the color perfect but I am head over heels crazy for the lattice/trellis pattern too.  I am really getting into the bold stripes and geometric patterns that are so popular these days and would love to incorporate some into this old house of mine to kind of give it an updated feel.

The mirror is one of my favorites and would be great above the fireplace when the Wintry Mantel comes down, don't you think?  It is the Minogue Mirror from Kirklands for $129.00. I may try a DIY version of it until I can save enough pennies to buy the real thing.  We'll see!

I absolutely love the striped and cow? rugs and may have to do some kind of DIY projects to get something similar because large rugs are incredibly expensive.  We'll see about that too!

Now if I can just get this little plan of mine off the paper and into real life I will be one happy girl.  It may take a while and the trends will probably have changed before I get it complete but at least I have a plan, right? Well that's what I keep telling myself anyway. LOL

Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 10, 2014


Happy Friday everybody!

Has the gray skies, cold temps and awful winter weather got you feeling blue?  I believe maybe it has because I have been reading a few of your blogs and noticing how everyone is just generally feeling pretty down lately.  If this is the case, I have a little trick (or two) that might just perk you up....It's super YUMMY, super EASY and INEXPENSIVE. Well I don't know about you, but that's enough right there to make my day better...hahaha.  Would you like to know my little secret?    Here it is...

Eat an orange or other citrus fruit.

Oranges and other citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lemons and limes are packed with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a natural energy booster and mood booster as well.  It's also helpful in preventing and getting rid of viruses found in the common cold and sore throats.  So if you want to feel better now...EAT AN ORANGE! They're super yummy and very inexpensive in the winter months.

 can make a super easy, free, all natural air freshener from the rinds.  Part of what causes the wintertime blues is being shut up in a house full of stale air.  While most homemakers today use things like Scentsy or candles on a regular basis to make theirs homes smell pleasant, I don't think they realize they are only making the air in their homes dirtier and heavier.  All natural air fresheners made from things like orange, grapefruit or lemon peel actually clean, purify and freshen the air, not just mask odors and....clean air is a major mood booster.  Sooooo....after you eat your orange, DON'T THROW AWAY THE PEEL, use it to make a wonderful smelling air freshener.

Here's how...

Chop the peel into small pieces...

Squeeze each piece just slightly to release the natural oils...

Then put them into a small sauce pan or teacup...

Place on the stove on low heat to simmer if you are using a saucepan or, if you are using a teacup like I am, place the cup on a candle warmer (a Scentsy burner will work too)...

Once the water heats up the magic begins.

FEEL BETTER and have a FABULOUS weekend!!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Hello everyone!  How was your weekend?  Mine was a little extra long because of all the snow.  Yes we got over 12 inches and super cold temps to go along with it.  We shoveled out yesterday and I am back at work today. Another day at home would have been nice but I guess it's best to just get back at it. I always feel better when I get up and get out of the house for the day.  Besides, staying at home when it's cold out turns me into a complete couch potato. For the past two days I have done NOTHING but laze around.

I did work hard on Saturday though. I managed get the master bedroom walls painted.  I used Pebble Cinder Grey by Colorplace Paints from Wal-Mart.

Now I know you all frown on cheap paint and would never use it in your homes but I happen to like Wal-Mart paint. I have always had good luck with it and it doesn't cost upwards of $40.00 per gallon, which is a big plus in my book.

Anyway, I couldn't be happier with the color. It's a GORGEOUS light gray with warm undertones and goes beautifully with virtually everything...uhhh, even the turquoise trim and doors...

which is NOT staying.  Most importantly, it goes with my new bedding...Did you spy the new pillow shams?

I will get out the duvet and give you all the details about the new bedding as soon as I get the trim painted. Wouldn't want to take the chance of getting paint all over it.  You all know what a REALLY messy painter I am...just sayin'!

Anyway, let's take one more look at Pebble Cinder Grey by Colorplace Paints shall we...

Awwww, so pretty!!! Grays are so hard to get right but I think I hit the nail on the head with this one, don't you? LOVE IT!!

Next up, painting that trim....Ooooh, I am so DREADING that job but maybe I can muster up the energy to knock it out this weekend.  Wish me luck.

Have a fabulous day!

Friday, January 3, 2014


Well hello there my friends.  Happy day to you!

Christmas is finally over and the new year has begun.  Yay, I really love the start of a new year, don't you? It's a time to start fresh, purge ourselves from the old and begin again.  You know, out with the old and in with the new.

The first thing I do at the beginning of each year is to make a fresh start by putting away all the holiday decorations and give the house a good cleaning.  Ahhhh, nothing makes me happier than a nice clean, fresh, and lighter house.  As much as I love Christmas it always feels so good just to put it all away for another year and start over.

This year after putting all things Christmas away, with the exception of one...uhhh, 'two' things...which I will share with you in a minute, I was finally able to put my new living room furniture where it belongs and get a real look at how it fits and what changes need to be made to the room.

Yes I know the loveseat is a little too far to the left right now (without a rug under it, it slides around...really annoying I tell you, and the curtains are too short, IGNORE THAT.  Anywayyyys, let me start by saying that this room has a long way to go before I can call it done...OBVIOUSLY...., so don't judge too harshly by these few photos.  Since we have had three changes of furniture in as little as one year, all very different in color, it has been extremely difficult to even come close to getting this room together.  With that said, I hope the gray furniture stays around for a long while so that I can finally get things settled in here.

I will be looking for a new, larger area rug, different end tables, either a coffee table or ottoman and something for behind the loveseat. Of course all of this will take time as I am not sure exactly what I want at this point. However, and as you know, I did find a few new lamps for this room that I absolutely love just before Christmas; and...I finally got around to exchanging the shades last week.

I love the new shades.  I got them at Lowes.  They are made of a natural fiber off white burlap that filters light beautifully.  I can now sit on the sofa and read, which is something that was impossible before.  The old lamps with darker synthetic shades just did not give off enough light.  Now I just need a new lamp for the drum table by the window.  I found a mercury glass lamp at Lowes that would be perfect and as soon as I have saved enough pennies (or it goes on clearance) it will be mine.

As you may have noticed, since getting the new furniture and lamps for the end tables, I traded out the fake greenery and other accessories for something a little more clean, streamline and a little more Hollywood glam...

I have a little tweaking to do and I need a candle for the cute "diamond" candleholder I found on clearance at Michael's the other day, but I am really liking these changes.

I have also gotten rid of the HUGE Lion print on the mantel...well not gotten rid of...I still have him.  He's just in hiding.  He really took offense to so many of you thinking he is OUTDATED so he has resorted to therapy...LOL.  He may make his way back to the mantel at some point, though probably not for a while.  Awww, rejection is sooo hard!  Truthfully I am looking for a replacement that is more Hollywood glam, refined and sophisticated.

For now I have thrown together a little "wintertime" mantelscape using the two cute little snow owls I got from Sybills Saint James (the two Christmas decorations that didn't get put away), a winter print poster, a lantern, and some driftwood that I found down at the river this past summer.  I tucked in a little "snow" (cotton balls) and some glittery snowflakes for good measure.  Awwww!!!!

Sooooo cute!!!!

Did I ever tell you guys just how much I love having a mantel to decorate.  I do, I truly do and since Leo won't come out of hiding, this little snowy, wintry mantel should do until spring.  After that, well...we'll just play it by ear.

 Have a fabulous weekend.  I will be back Monday to show you my progress on the Master Bedroom redo. Ciao!