Howdy everybody....hope you all had a fabulous holiday weekend...I had a great 4th...although I had planned on getting some much needed work done around the house...TACKLING more of that bathroom remodel...I must admit we (the hubby and I) changed our plans every so SLIGHTLY and decided to spend the weekend doing absolutely NOTHING....yes that's right, we were downright LAZY...we spent our days swimming, eating, fishing and eating some more...barbeque of course...the point is we just spent some time about you'd you spend your weekend?..
Saturday while hubby and little bubs were out doing daddy and son stuff, I stayed at home and did a little FUN stuff of my own....I CELEBRATED...with lunch for one on my little screened in INDEPENDENCE DAY/SHABBY CHIC style...let's have a look shall we....
...our fabulous country is rich in history and steeped in tradition so I added a little Rodgers family history and tradition to this little PATRIOTIC setting...with this beautiful red, white & blue AFGHAN...
...more important than the Pottery Barn dinnerware....and as my husband would say, more important than our national see this beautiful handmade afghan is very valuable....sentimental value that husband's mother made it for him shortly before she passed away from cancer in 1988...needless to say it is a very cherished family heirloom....since this afghan boasts the colors of our country's flag, I felt it appropriate to use it here to honor her memory and to honor our country...
...I have set my lunch for one on another little piece of family history...this very shabby chic, very OLD wooden folding table...which my father-in-law gave to MOI several years ago...of all the furniture I own...this piece is my absolute favorite...weathered and worn...I bet it has graced a many of 4th of July celebrations...and I am so blessed to have it grace my humble little screened in porch...
Of course no table is complete without flowers...and for this table what could be more AMERICAN than flowers in a white picket fence box and adorned with OL' GLORY herself... all through this post, I have told you that this was lunch for ONE, but I really was not alone...joining me at this table is a very old FRIEND of mine...once she graced the ROSE garden at our old house, now she spends her days under the shelter of this screened porch as she is just too fragile to face the elements of garden weather anymore...and today she stands ever so proudly over this little PATRIOTIC table much as LADY LIBERTY stands in New York's Harbor over Ellis Island wishing God's blessings on all who enters...
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord;
and the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance.
Psalm 33:12
Have a beautiful, blessed day!
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