Yay, I am sooooo excited! I FINALLY found the huge white rooster I was wanting for the dining room.
I have been looking for months. I used to see large white roosters around quite a bit at flea markets and stuff but when I decided that I WANTED/NEEDED one, they were no where to be seen. That ever happen to you? Yeah, it does me ALL.THE.TIME. I had even thought of buying just a plain large rooster and spray painting him white, but I couldn't find any that would work. Until yesterday...
I had to run home during my lunch break to get my cell phone. I have a horrible habit of leaving my phone at home...You? Well, yesterday I didn't forget my phone. I had put a phone in my purse when I left the house...only it wasn't mine. Yep, I put sis's phone in my purse and drove off to work with it. So I ran home at lunch to exchange phones.
On the way, I decided to stop at a little shop in Cuba that I don't get to very often because it's usually closed when I have the chance to shop. As I crossed the threshold this gorgeous...HUGE...white rooster was staring back at me. I snatched him up so fast I thought I saw his head spin. Hehe. I didn't even look at the price tag...which if you know me, you know that's the first thing I always look at!...BUT price didn't matter because after searching this long, I knew he WOULD be coming home with me! He was a little more than I wanted to spend, well because free is the best price, but I didn't think $30 was bad considering his size...
Isn't he a beaut? I haven't had a chance to play around with him yet to find out where I will like him best but as soon as I do, I will be back with more pics...prettier pics!
Until then, have a GREAT day!
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